Juan Andrade Laborde

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Juan Andrade Laborde develops sustainable strategies and technologies that can be used to deliver nutrition to vulnerable populations.

Food Aid Micronutrients Internatinal Development Human Nutrition Food Science and Technology

Larry Bartels

May Werthan Shayne Professor and University Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Law · Vanderbilt University

Expert in public opinion, electoral politics, public policy, and political representation.

Campaigns and Elections Public Policy Public Opinion Electoral Politics Political Representation

David Sapp

Professor, Dean of Graduate Education, & Vice Provost for Academic Affairs · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Educational Leadership and Administration

Administration in Higher Education Feminist Theory and Pedagogy Civic Engagement and Social Justice Rhetoric and Organizational Communication Service Learning and Community-Based Teaching

Taghi Khoshgoftaar, Ph.D.

Motorola Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Taghi Khoshgoftaar researches computer security and intrusion detection systems.

Computer Security and Intrusion Detection Systems Software Engineering Machine Learning Data Mining Big Data Analytics

Harvey Chim

Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Harvey Chim is an expert in upper and lower extremity limb salvage, brachial plexus, and complex peripheral nerve reconstruction.

Wrist Surgery Hand Surgery Brachial Plexus Reconstruction Peripheral Nerve Limb Salvage

Scott Wallace

Associate Professor of Journalism · University of Connecticut

Scott Wallace is a bestselling author, photojournalist and educator who covers the environment and vanishing cultures worldwide.

Central America Amazon Rainforest Brazil Indigenous Cultures Uncontacted Tribes

Ben Fitzpatrick

Professor of Mathematics · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Mathematics Biomathematics Dynamics and Control Image Processing Environmental Modeling

John David N. Dionisio

Chair and Professor of Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Computer Science Interaction Design Computer Graphics

Michael Pranikoff

Global Director, Emerging Media · PR Newswire

Speaks on technology trends shaping the future of media and public relations

Social Media Marketing Multimedia Marketing SEO Search Engine Marketing Multimedia Communications

Julia Combs

Associate Professor of English · Southern Utah University

Specializing in the history of feminist rhetoric, seventeenth century rhetoric, and international writing centers

World Literature International Writing Centers Professional Writing and Presentations Grant Writing Seventeenth-Century Rhetoric

Rita Osborn

Executive Director of Utah Center for Rural Health · Southern Utah University

Specializing in rural health issues, grant writing, and program development.

Community Health Programs Rural Health Care Access & Delivery Property Management Healthcare Grants

Maury Nation

Associate Professor, Core Faculty, Human Development Counseling · Vanderbilt University

An expert in restorative justice, suspensions, equity for students of color and restorative discipline practices.

Public School Systems Race Bullying and School-Age Children Neighborhood Characteristics and Mental Health Community & School-based Prevention Research

Jonathan M. Metzl

Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health, and Society · Vanderbilt University

World-renowned expert on gun violence and mental illness, white identity politics and race and health.

Mass shootings Mental Health Guns in America Guns and Mental Illness Race, Gender and Social Justice in Healthcare

Ursula Philpot

Senior Lecturer · Leeds Beckett

Ursula Philpot is a freelance consultant dietitian and senior lecturer in nutrition and dietetics.

Obesity Mental Health Eating Disorders Nutrition

Regula (Reggie) Modlich

Urban Planner · Toronto Women's City Alliance

Urban planner, focusing on gender issues, active in the Toronto Women's City Alliance

Community Outreach Women's Rights Equality Rights Sociology Institutional Development

Dr Elisabeth Schimpfössl

Senior Lecturer · Aston University

Dr Schimpfössl's research interests are the sociology of elites as well as power and social inequality.

Philanthropy Social Inequality Sociology Elites Russia

Rahul Telang

Trustees Professor and Program Chair · Carnegie Mellon University

Rahul Telang is interested in how information and communication technologies (ICTs) information impact consumers, business and policies.

Digitization of Information Intellectual Properity Policy Market Failures Privacy Piracy

Shuresh Ghimire, Ph.D.

Associate Cooperative Extension Educator · University of Connecticut

Shuresh Ghimire conducts an extension education and research program in vegetable crop production and practices.

Plastic Mulch Climate Adaptation Horticulture Agricultural Sciences Biodegradable Materials

Brenda Spotton Visano

University Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies · York University

Spotton Visano engages a variety of research methods to examine ways to improve access to basic financial services for low income Canadians.

Financial Literacy Economic Literacy Social Justice Financial Education Community Outreach

Asoo Vakharia

Professor · University of Florida

Asoo Vakharia's research and areas of expertise include sustainability, channel selection, green product design and supply chains.

Information Systems and Operations Management Supply Chain Management Environmental Operations Green Product Design Sustainability