Marvin Doyley

Wilson Professor of Electronic Imaging; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Professor of Imaging Sciences · University of Rochester

Marvin Doyley researches novel imaging methods for detecting disease more quickly through imaging

Ultrasound Imaging Therapeutic and Diagnostic Imaging

Ahmed Sayed, Ph.D

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Ahmed Sayed is an associate professor in the biomedical engineering department at Milwaukee School of Engineering.

Biomechanics Biomedical Instrumentation Forensics Biomedical Engineering Medical Image Processing and Segmentation Ultrasound Elastography

John E. Speich, Ph.D.

Interim Chair and Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Engineering and program development expert with research focused on bladder biomechanics and robotics

Cooperative Education Engineering Education Mechanical Engineering Robotics Medical Devices

Nazanin Hosseinkhah, PhD

Director of Special Projects · VieLight

Dr. Hosseinkhah joined Vielight to discover how light energy could be used to positively impact the brain and the body.

Medical Device Development Healthcare System Start-Up Market Research Ultrasound Imaging

Karl Zelik

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering · Vanderbilt University

Expert on exoskeletons, human movement, biomechanics and prosthetic limbs

Assistive Devices Mechanical Engineering Biomechanics Exoskeletons Human movement