A trusted source
for expertise.
Connect with relevant, credible experts from industry and academia.

Search for experts on 50,000+ topics
We are the worlds largest open-access, curated search engine for experts. ExpertFile provides a trusted resource for journalists, conferences, government policymakers and industry innovators who are looking for breakthrough research and fresh perspectives.
Free Access
- Just start searching. No registration required. We’re not tracking your clicks or trying to monetize your personal data.
Credible Experts
- We feature vetted experts only. Most are academics and researchers who are recommended by their universities.
Fast Connections
- Meet your deadlines using our platform to quickly reach out to experts and their organizations.
More than just a directory. A platform for expert discovery.
Reliable experts are in demand. That’s why knowledge-based organizations in sectors including academic, healthcare, corporate and non-profit use the ExpertFile software platform to more intuitively manage their expert content and promote it to a broader audience.
Simple Search
- Our advanced search technology allows you to search by topic, location or content type (videos, publications, photos or documents) and make connection requests directly through the Platform - no sign-up necessary.
Credibility First
- Expert Qualifications including published work and previous media coverage are clearly displayed in each expert profile. ExpertFile is an invite only platform and we have a relationship with all experts on the platform. We do not scrape content.
Open Access
- Most expert networks charge for access to experts. Instead, we offer free, open access to all experts on our platform.
Always Relevant
- Search our spotlight features that are added daily to find story ideas and relevant experts who are available as media sources.
Curated & Updated
- Expert profiles are regularly updated by our team in collaboration with our clients and PR agencies who also use our unique software platform to integrate their expert content directly into their websites and social media.
Fast Response
- When you send an inquiry through ExpertFile, your request uses our workflow to notify multiple recipients, including Communications teams who can respond to same-day deadlines.
"Need a source for your next story? ExpertFile puts experts on speed dial. Its database can help newsrooms find the ideal interviewee and get them on the phone in a fraction of the time."