Brendan Cantwell

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Brendan Cantwell's research interests include the study of higher education organization, governance, & finance in the US & internationally.

Educational Administration Higher Education Comparative Education

Ravi Roy

Associate Professor of Political Science · Southern Utah University

Specializing in neoliberalism, political education programs, and the Deming system of profound knowledge

Political Associations Political Education Pograms Deming System of Profound Knowledge Leadership Public Policy

James G. Devine

Professor Emeritus of Economics · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Macroeconomics Money and Banking U.S. Economic History Political Economics Labor Economics

Heidi Tworek

Assistant Professor of History · University of British Columbia

Professor Tworek's current research focuses on communications, international organizations, history, and transatlantic relations.

News and Media International Relations International Organizations Legal History Germany and Europe

Ratanjit Sondhe

CEO · Discoverhelp, Inc.

Transforming Business Through Mindful Leadership, Conscious Capitalism and the Oneness Paradigm

Empowering Business Through 9 Universal Laws Developing A Passionate Creative Workforce Developing Mindful Leaders A Platform for Conscious Capitalism

Phillip Warsaw

Assistant Professor of Ecological Economics and Environmental Justice · Michigan State University

Phillip Warsaw's research takes an interdisciplinary approach to environmental justice, economic development, and sustainability.

Racial Capitalism Economic Development Environmental Justice Sustainability

Kadence Otto

Professor · Western Carolina University

Kadie Otto's research centers on ethical, social and legal issues in sport with specific attention to NCAA corruption and reform.

NCAA Corruption and Reform Risk Management Sport Ethics Sport Law Global Sport and Culture

Kristin Joys

Director/Lecturer · University of Florida

Kristin Joys is an impact strategist who has spent 25 years educating and empowering changemakers.

Societal Impact Leaders Social Entrepreneurship Sustainability Strategic Impact Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Edward Lopez

Professor · Western Carolina University

Edward Lopez is Professor of Economics and founding director of Western Carolina University's Center for the Study of Free Enterprise.

Economics of Ideas Public Choice Ethics of Capitalism Public Finance Principles of Economics

Jonathan Wilson

CEO · Soul Systems

Inspiring & leading edge content how to lead large-scale transformation, drawn from life and work among tribes, warlords and executives.

Leadership Organizational Soul Collaboration Team Purpose

Steven E. Harris

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Harris is an expert on modern Russian and European history.

Aerospace History Commercial Aviation Russian History Contemporary Russia Global Socialism

Professor Rhodri Thomas

Dean of School · Leeds Beckett University

Rhodri Thomas' current research is primarily concerned with the impact of academic knowledge production on non-academic constituencies.

Sustainable Tourism Economics Tourism Events Higher Education

Steven Haider

Professor of Economics · Michigan State University

An expert in the economics of labor supply and income equality.

Labor supply economics Poverty data

Helen Wood

Professor in Media and Cultural Studies · Aston University

Helen Wood is the author of numerous books and articles on media, gender and class formation.

Media Gender Class Television Cultural Studies

Dr Chris Till

Reader · Leeds Beckett

Chris Till teaches core and specialist modules on social theory, technologies and health.

Corporate Wellness Music Streaming Veganism Self-tracking Financialization

Amy Woodson-Boulton

Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Environmental History British History Anthropology Imperialism Museum Studies

Dayna Nadine Scott

Associate Professor · Osgoode Hall Law School of York University

Dr.Dayna Scott works in the areas of environmental law and policy; critical risk theory; environmental justice; and trade and globalization.

Environmental Law and Justice Gender and Environmental Health Toxic Substances Regulation Feminist Theory of the Body Pollution

Aaron McCright

Professor and Chairperson, College of Social Science/Lyman Briggs College · Michigan State University

Dr. McCright specializes in environmental sociology, sociology of science and technology, and social movements.

Political Polarization Values and Sciences Climate Change Politics Climate Change Climate Change Denial

Professor Jamie Morgan

Professor · Leeds Beckett

Jamie Morgan lectures in the Subject Area of Economics, Analytics and International Business.

Economics Analytics International Business

Wesley Longhofer

Associate Professor of Organization & Management; Executive Academic Director, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Organizational Sociology Business and Society Social Enterprise Philanthropy and Non-Profits Climate Change