Jerry Burke

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Jerry Burke researches manufacturing and service operations management

Supply chain coordination Purchasing and Negotiation Manufacturing and service operations management Sourcing strategies Business Analytics

Alison Barth

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Alison Barth's work focuses on understanding how experience transforms the properties of neurons to encode memory.

Research Design Neural Plasticity Biophysics Neuroscience

Ina Ganguli

Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ina Ganguli looks at how individuals acquire and use their skills, particularly on science and innovation, immigration and gender issues.

Gender Disparities in Labor Markets International Migration of Students and Scientists Formation of Scientific Collaboration Economics of Science & Innovation Labor Economics

Aniruddha Mitra

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Aniruddha Mitra is an expert in Modeling of Composites, Vibration Analysis, and Engineering Education.

Engineering Education Modeling of Composites Vibration Analysis

Charles Cartin, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Director of Makerspaces & Professor of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University

Additive Manufacturing Advanced Engineering Mathematics Computer Aided Design (CAD) Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Design Engineering

Brooke Flammang

Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Flammang specializes in functional morphology, biomechanics, and bioinspired technology of fishes, including sharks and remora.

Marine Biology Physiology Biomechanics Biology Biomechanics of Animal Locomotion

Kartik Ariyur

Assistant Professor · Purdue University

Assistant Professor at Purdue University

Matlab Algorithms Simulations Controller Design Health Monitoring

Adam Frank

Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester

Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans

Extraterrestrial Life Space Discoveries Life on Other Planets Civilizations and climate change Theoretical Astrophysics

Subha Das

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Subha Das has helped developed conditions for click-chemistry for the rapid modification and functionalization of DNA and RNA.

Nanotechnology RNA Biochemistry Organic Synthesis Future of Science Nucleic Acids Chemistry

Matthew Johnson-Roberson

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Johnson-Roberson's research goal is to develop robotic systems capable of operating in complex dynamic environments.

Folding Space Structures Robotic Vision 3D Reconstruction Artifical Intelligence Robotics/Autonomous Vehicles

Thang Dinh, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Computer scientist focusing on security and optimization challenges in complex systems including social networks.

Network vulnerability assessment Security and privacy in social networks and wireless networks Combinatorial Optimization Approximation algorithm

Leo Lee

Associate Professor, Mathematics · University of Mary Washington

Leo Lee is an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Mary Washington.

Mathematics Stochastic Processes Computer Science Student Mentorship International Studies

Steve Holden

President · The Open Bastion

Experienced technology speaker with the ability to relate technology to the wider world

The Internet Open Source Community Information Security

Aarti Singh

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Aarti Singh researches machine learning, statistics and signal processing, focusing on algorithms for learning and decision making.

Digital Twins Human Factors in Decision Making Autonomous Decision Making Machine Learning Signal Processing

Joseph Toscano, PhD

Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences; Director, Cognitive Science Program | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Joseph Toscano, PhD, is an expert in human speech recognition and language comprehension through the study of brain and behavior.

Psychology Cognitive Psychology Perception and Language Speech Communication Language Development

Prabu Swamidurai

EA Consultant · ALPA Solutions

EA Consultant

Enterprise Architecture Bpm/Soa/Eai/Eii Cloud Computing

Andrew Levine

CEO · blumlein records

CEO at blumlein records

Recording Stereo and Surround Audio Audio / Video Production

Ronan Gruenbaum

Associate Professor · Hult International Business School

Experienced conference speaker and professor that connects Social Media to the needs of today's business for internal and external uses

Social Media Digital Strategy

Mark Warschauer

Professor of Education and Informatics · UC Irvine

Mark Warschauer is a Professor of Education and Informatics at the University of California, Irvine.

Literacy Educational Technology Online Learning Education Language

June Ahn

Professor · UC Irvine

June Ahn is a Professor of Learning Sciences and Research-Practice Partnerships at the UC Irvine (UCI) School of Education.

Data Use and Analytics Human-Computer Interaction Learning Technologies Research-Practice Partnerships Educational Technology