Angelia L. Seyfferth

Professor, Soil Biogeochemistry and Plant-Soil Interactions · University of Delaware

Prof. Seyfferth focuses on soil biogeochemical processes that dictate contaminant and nutrient cycling and uptake by plants.

Chemical Sciences Soil Science Soil Biogeochemical Processes Plant Science Ecosystems

Kelly Goonan

Assistant Professor of Outdoor Recreation · Southern Utah University

Outdoor recreation expertise with outdoor safety tips, planning national park visits, and planning and management of outdoor recreation.

Visitor Use Management Wilderness First Aid Resource Management Recreation Impact Analysis Recreation Ecology

Jim Stikeleather

Chief Innovation Officer · Dell

Rev up the engines of your event and glimpse the future with Dell's Chief Innovation Officer, who explains & evaluates emerging technologies

Software Development Environments and Methods Software as A Service Product Management Process Engineering Cloud Computing

Anjana Susarla

Omura-Saxena Professor in Responsible AI · Michigan State University

Anjana Susarla's research includes the economics of information systems, social media analytics and economics of artificial intelligence.

Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) Digital Transformation Social Media Analytics Machine Learning Causal Inference

Nikos Tziolas

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Nikos Tziolas develops interpretable AI techniques and integrated sensing systems to support informed decision-making in agriculture.

Soil Science Deep Learning Spectroscopy AI Artificial Intelligence

Forrest Morgeson

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Forrest Morgeson teaches marketing management, marketing strategy, and marketing research courses to graduate students.

Marketing Research Customer Loyalty Public Policy Customer Experience Customer Satisfaction

Verena Seufert

Postdoctoral Fellow · University of British Columbia, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability

Scientist interested in all things food and nature. Studying how we can do agriculture better.

Sustainability organic agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Change

Russell Burke

Professor of Biology · Hofstra University

Dr. Burke's current research involves diamondback terrapins at Jamaica Bay, wood turtles in northern NJ and the coyote invasion of LI

Urban Ecosystems Urban Environments Suburban Spaces and Development Ecology Evolution

Bruno Basso

John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University

Bruno Basso's research deals mainly with water, carbon, nitrogen cycling & modeling in agro-ecosystems.

Sustainabile Intensification Nitrogren Water Carbon Agro-Ecosystems

Sascha Usenko B.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Environmental Science. Director, Environmental Science Graduate Program · Baylor University

Dr. Usenko is the Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Director, Environmental Science Graduate Program at Baylor University.

Anthropogenic Contaminants Spatial and Temporal Scales The Transformation and Bioavailability of Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic Chemicals in the Environment Environmental Forensic Chemistry Identifying Unique Chemical Fingerprints

Barbara Frei

Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Natural Resource Sciences · McGill University

Conservation biologist, scientific communicator & collaborative researcher. Champion for conservation in a rapidly changing world.

Conservation Biology Ecosystem services Biodiversity Agroecosystems Birds Birding

Justina Ray

President and Senior Scientist · Wildlife Conservation Society Canada

Justina Ray's research is focused on evaluating the role of shifting landscapes in biodiversity decline and/or change in forested ecosystems

Conservation Planning Forested Ecosystems Biodiversity Wildlife Ecology Wildlife Conservation

Jonathan Wilson

CEO · Soul Systems

Inspiring & leading edge content how to lead large-scale transformation, drawn from life and work among tribes, warlords and executives.

Leadership Organizational Soul Collaboration Team Purpose

Lisa Rodrigues, PhD

Professor of Geography and the Environment; Director of the MS in Environmental Science Graduate Program | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Lisa Rodrigues, PhD, researches the environmental change impacting tropical ocean ecosystems and conservation and management strategies.

Marine Invertebrates Coral Reefs Ecosystems Ocean Environments

Arthur Trembanis

Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Trembanis research focuses on understanding beaches for resilience and mapping the seafloor using robots to develop the Blue Economy.

Seafloor Mapping Coastal Erosion and Morphodynamics Hurricanes and Nor'easters Underwater Robots Shipwrecks

Candice Odgers

Professor Psychological Science · UC Irvine

Candice Odgers is a developmental psychologist who studies adolescents’ mental health and development.

Early Adversity Quantitative Psychology Social Inequality Technology and Young People Digital Inequality

Yuncong Li

Professor · University of Florida

Yuncong Li is an expert on environmental soil chemistry, focusing on ecosystem restoration, fertilizer technology, and plant nutrition.

Ecosystem Restoration Fertilizer Technology Plant Nutrition Fertilizer Soil

Carrie Stevenson

Coastal Sustainability Agent · University of Florida

Carrie Stevenson has expertise in a variety of subjects pertaining to hurricane preparation, mitigation and recovery.

Hurricane-Resilient Trees Hurricane Preparation Coastal Ecosystems Tropical Storms Flooding

Katherine Kahl

Extension Assistant Professor, Sustainable Fisheries & Coastal Resilience · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Katherine Kahl studies sustainable fisheries and coastal resilience needs and is an expert of growing the "blue economy."

Coastal Resilience Coastal Ecosystems Sustainable Fisheries Blue Economy

Dawn Bazely

Professor, Department of Biology · York University

#YorkU Biology professor. Collaborative, interdisciplinary researcher & award-winning teacher. Past #YorkU Sustainability Inst Director.

Animal Behaviour Arctic Affairs Climate Change Curriculum Design & Development Ecology