David Cuillier

Director · University of Florida

David Cuillier’s expertise is in freedom of information, particularly the ability for journalists to acquire government records.

Freedom of Information Access to Information

Michael Knodler Jr.

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of the UMass Transportation Center · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Michael Knodler's main areas of research and teaching are related to transportation safety, operations, design, and education.

Transportation Engineering Traffic Operations Driver Behavior (Older & Younger) Transportation Safety Pedestrian & Bicycles

Jared Ellias

Associate Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Email: elliasjared@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8815 / Office 344-200

Bankruptcy Law Corporate Law Corporate Governance

Alexander Schwarzmann, PhD

Dean of the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences · Augusta University

Dean Schwarzmann is a nationally-recognized expert in cybersecurity of voting technology, computer science, and distributed systems.

Cybersecurity of Voting Technology Computer Science Research and Education Distributed Systems

Jodi Womack

Founder · No More Nylons

Building Your Professional Network

Networking in Person Mentors Community Women in Business Women Entrepreneurs

Manisha Sinha, Ph.D.

Draper Chair in American History · University of Connecticut

Dr. Sinha is an expert in Civil War and Reconstruction

Feminism Abolition Slavery

Michael Lewis

Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

www.fandomanalytics.com All Things Fandom and Sports Analytics

Revenue Management & Dynamic Pricing Customer Relationship Management Sports Analytics Sports Marketing Fandom

Daryl Montgomery

Author, Blogger, Market Strategist · New York Investing Meetup

Former popular professor providing independent, unbiased big picture analysis of the markets and economy for investors.

Investing in the 2010s Inflation Investing Investing in an Economic Crisis

Larry Van Horn

Associate Professor of Management and Executive Director of Health Affairs · Vanderbilt University

Expert in health care management, health insurance policy and health care economics.

Malpractice Health Insurance Health Care Economics Health Care Management Health & Healthcare Law and Policy

Cheryl Carleton, PhD

Associate Professor of Economics; Director of the Villanova Women's Professional Network| Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Cheryl Carleton, PhD, is an expert in labor economics and women in the workforce.

Business Unemployment Women in the Workforce Labor Economics Microeconomics

Dr Oliver Robinson

Associate Professor in Psychology · University of Greenwich

His research focuses on the relation between life transitions, crises and changes in personality and mental health.

Well-Being Transitions Mid Life Crisis Life Change Later-life Crisis

Juraj Bednar

partner, strategy · DIGMIA s.r.o.

mapping unconventional corners of real and imaginary worlds

Bitcoin It Security Server Architecture

Susan McLennan

President · Reimagine PR

I help leading brands mobilize people through purpose & storytelling. Consultant | speaker | trainer | Emmy Award-winning storyteller

Purpose PR Marketing & Branding Marketing & Corporate Strategy Storytelling & Public Speaking

Tatishe M. Nteta

Provost Professor of Political Science / Director of UMass Poll · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Tatishe Nteta's research lies at the intersection of the politics of race and ethnicity, public opinion, and political behavior.

Political Polls American Politics Politics and Political Analysis Race Culture and Ethnicity Polling

Michael Nowatkowski, PhD

Associate Professor · Augusta University

A leading cybersecurity expert available to discuss online security, ransomware, and device security topics.

Hardware and Embedded Systems Cellular and Mobile Technology Defensive Cyber Operations Cyber Operations Education TCP/IP Protocol Analysis

Yoav Schwartz

CEO, Founder · Uberflip

You'll love getting this flip off! Uberflip's CEO will give your audience the scoop on leading edge digital publishing web applications

Web Design Digital Marketing Web Development Business Strategy Marketing Strategy

Michael J Gilbert

CEO · Street Level Consultants, LLC

Son of a Hells Angels Biker. How I overcame poverty, addiction to building 16 startups. How you too can overcome anything.

Getting More Out of Your Employees How to Hire the Best for Your Startup

Nicole B. Simpson, CFP

CFP, Best Selling Author, Disaster Recovery Specia · Harvest Wealth Media Group

Experienced, empowerment speaker who specializes in helping families recover from trauma emotionally, spiritually and financially.

Disaster Planning and Recovery Economic Empowerment Mistaken Identtity Sexual Assault The Ultimate Plan

Rahul Telang

Trustees Professor and Program Chair · Carnegie Mellon University

Rahul Telang is interested in how information and communication technologies (ICTs) information impact consumers, business and policies.

Digitization of Information Intellectual Properity Policy Market Failures Privacy Piracy

Alexis Dudden, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of History · University of Connecticut

Professor of History specializing in modern Japan and Korea, and international history.

History/Memory Modern Korea Modern Japan Territorial Disputes Japan-Korea Relations