Elizabeth Larus

Professor, Political Science · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Larus is an expert in the politics of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong

Political Science University Teaching Public Policy International Relations Foreign Policy

Christian Appy

Professor of History and Director of the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Christian Appy has written three books on the Vietnam War and heads the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy

The Vietnam War Whistle-blowers Daniel Ellsberg U.S. Foreign Policy 20th and 21st Century U.S. History

Bree Akesson

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Work · Wilfrid Laurier University

Assistant Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University who conducts research with children and families affected by war and global social work

Refugee and Human Rights Issues War and Violence Children and Families Social Work Social Work Education

Robert Rabil, Ph.D.

Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Robert Rabil is an expert in political Islam, terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, and U.S.-Arab relations.

U.S. Foreign Policy Reform in the Arab world U.S.-Arab Relations Terrorism Political Islam

Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux

Chair on Truth and Reconciliation · Lakehead University

Dr. Wesley-Esquimaux's research addresses unresolved intergenerational trauma and grief primarily within the Canadian Indigenous community.

Community Development Government Community Outreach Leadership Teaching

Lillian Guerra

Professor · University of Florida

Lillian Guerra is an expert on Cuban and Caribbean history.

Latino Culture & Politics in the U.S. Caribbean History Latin American Studies Caribbean Diasporas and Caribbean History Central American and Caribbean Immigration

Professor Leanne Norman

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Professor Leanne Norman's research utilises a critical sociological lens to examine sport organisational and coaching cultures.

Qualitative Research Methods Coaching Sociology Sport Organisational Culture and Change Feminism Coaching

Glen Duerr, Ph.D.

Professor of International Studies · Cedarville University

Dr. Deurr's research interests include nationalism and secession, comparative politics, and international relations theory

International Terrorism Domestic Terrorism International Relations Brexit

Dexter Gabriel, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of History · University of Connecticut

Dexter Gabriel's research interests include the history of slavery, resistance, and freedom in the Black Atlantic.

Abolition and Emancipation Slavery in Popular Culture Slavery Black Atlantic

Dr Katie Tonkiss

Senior Lecturer, Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Tonkiss is concerned with critically interrogating the relationship of citizenship and national identity.

Membership Identity Citizenship HM Sociology Immigration

Margarita R. Ochoa

Associate Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of History, Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Colonial Latin American History Women, Family, and the Law in Colonial Latin America Race, racial mixture, racial classifications in colonial Latin America Aztec Empire (aka Mexicas; aka Triple Alliance) Law and Legal Culture

Hein Goemans

Professor of Political Science · University of Rochester

Goemans is an expert on international conflict and war termination

Ukraine International Conflict War termination International Relations War and Conflict

Mary Anne Trasciatti

Professor of Writing Studies and Rhetoric · Hofstra University

Dr. Trasciatti is a Professor of Writing Studies and Rhetoric

Public Memory/Commemoration Public Protest Triangle Shirt Factory Fire Public Space and Public Expression Women's Studies

Dr Virginie Grzelczyk

Reader/Associate Professor in International Relations · Aston University

Dr Grzelczyk's research focuses on security relationships over the Korean Peninsula and especially about North Korea.

Korean Peninsula Northeast Asia Politics Politics of North Korea Foreign Policy Towards North Korea North Korea

Michael Weiner, PhD

Professor and Assistant Dean of Faculty · Soka University

Professor of East Asian History and International Studies, Associate Dean of Faculty and Director of Faculty Research and Development.

Race, Ethnicity and Migration in Modern and Imperial Japan Japan's Minorities Economic and Social History of Modern Japan

Brenda Elsey

Professor of History · Hofstra University

Specialist in Popular Culture and Politics, as well as Gender and Sports, in Twentieth Century Latin America.

Latin American Culture Latin American Politics Sports in Latin America Gender Studies

Roberta Lexier

Associate Professor, Department of General Education · Mount Royal University

Activist and university professor with a teaching and research focus on social movements, social activism, and social change.

Social Movements Student Movements Feminism Women's Movements Indigenous Movements

Edward Timke

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Edward (Ed) Timke is a disabled scholar and activist focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in advertising.

Communication Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cultural Anthropology

Juliana Trichilo Cina

Solutions Director · Learnography | Curriculum Standards Canada

A leader in strategic communications | Learnography.ca

Strategic Communications Corporate Communications Blogging Marketing Communications Strategy

Naoko Wake

Professor · Michigan State University

Naoko Wake is a historian of gender, sexuality, and medicine in the Pacific region.

Gender, Sexuality, and Medicine in the Pacific Region Scientific Approaches to Sexual Diversity