Marilyn Freimuth, Ph.D.

Associate Faculty - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Author of two groundbreaking books providing tools for recognizing substance and behavioral addictions

Addiction Assessment Provider-Patient Relationships Addiction Treatment Within the Context of Psychotherapy Thinking About Theories : Finding Your Clinical Orientation Facilitating Addiction Recognition in Mental Health Care and Health Care Settings

Professor Viren Swami

Professor of Social Psychology · Anglia Ruskin University

His research focuses on the psychology of body image, human appearance, and attraction in relationships.

Impact of Nature on Healthy Living Tattoos Body Image Psychology of Attraction Relationships

Brian Cutler, Ph.D.

Media Psychology Program Director · Fielding Graduate University

Social Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Application of Media and Technology in Criminal Investigations, Expert Psychological Testimony

Social Influence False Confession Eyewitness Memory Expert Testimony

Sara Perry, Ph.D.

Associate Professor - Management · Baylor University

Dr. Perry researches management-related topics, including remote work, negotiation, employee stress and health, innovation and leadership.

Work From Home WFH Great Resignation Industrial and Organizational Psychology Management

Erika V. Hall

Associate Professor of Organization & Management; Faculty Advisor, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Hall's research focuses on the influence of race, gender, and class-based stereotypes and implicit biases on workplace interactions.

Race and Gender Stereotyping Social Psychology Implicit Bias

Jay Dill, Ph.D.

Associate Faculty - Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Social Psychologist and Consciousness Studies Researcher

Research Methods and Statistics Neural Substrates of Mental States Consciousness Studies Social Psychology Philosophical Topics such as Self and Free Will

Michelle Kaminski

Associate Professor of Human Resources & Labor Relations · Michigan State University

Michelle Kaminski is an expert in labor unions, right-to-work, women and leadership, collective bargaining and workplace bullying.

Workplace Bullying Right to Work Labor Unions Women and Leadership

Bryan Koenig

Associate Professor of Psychology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in social and evolutionary psychology

Social Relationships Statistics Social Psychology Research Methods Moral Psychology

Lyle Brenner

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Lyle Brenner's research investigates how consumers and managers make predictions, inferences and decisions.

Consumer and Managerial Decision Making Statistics and Research Methods Consumer Statistical Reasoning Judgment Under Uncertainty Mathematical Psychology

Lisa Faille, Ph.D., MPH, ABPP

Associate Faculty - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Board Certified Licensed Clinical Psychologist

strengths based approaches to teaching and learning Emotional Intelligence Racial Bias Clinical Psychology Forensic Psychology

Francisco A. Villarruel

Associate Chair and Professor · Michigan State University

An expert on issues affecting Latino youth and families; Latinos in the criminal justice system

Positive Youth Development Latino Youth and Families

Deborah Fein, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences · University of Connecticut

Distinguished Professor focused on autism spectrum disorders and behavioral therapy for autism.

Clinical Research Neuropsychological Assessment Autism Autism Spectrum Disorders Parent Training

Dara Goldyne, Ph.D.

Associate Faculty - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Critical thinking; psychological assessment; parent-infant mental health; psychoeducational evaluation; child abuse prevention and treatment

Critical Thinking Research Methods Psychological Assessment Forensic Psychology Child/Adolescent Psychopathology

Ronald Rogge

Associate Professor of Psychology · University of Rochester

Rogge's research focuses on understanding dynamics within romantic relationships and families.

Marriage and Close Relationships Couples Behavior Family Psychology Romance Couples and Families

Camille Thomas

Assistant Provost and Professor of Kinesiology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in coaching psychology, exercise prescription and the pathophysiology of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Weight Management Exercise Science Plyometric Training Biomechanics of Exercise Methods of Sports Conditioning and Nutrition

David McCord

Professor · Western Carolina University

Personality Theory Psychological Assessment Evolutionary Psychology

Richard Tunney

Professor and Head of Psychology · Aston University

Professor Tunney's research is on judgement and decision-making. He also researches behavioural addiction including gambling.

Decision-Making Gambling Judgement and decision-making Surrogate Decision-Making Impulsivity

Julian K. Saint Clair, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

MBA Academic Program Director & Co-founder of the A-LIST Pathway

Consumer Identity Learning Branding & Advertising Diversity Marketing

Betsy Lewis

Professor, Modern Languages · University of Mary Washington

Betsy Lewis is a professor of modern languages and literatures at the University of Mary Washington, specializing in Spanish literature.

Spanish Literature Women's Studies Digital Humanities University Teaching Academic Administration

Felipa Chavez, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | School of Psychology · Florida Tech

Dr. Chavez pursues a program of research reflecting issues of family dysfunction as seen through parent-child interactions.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Comorbid Parental Psychopathology Family Dysfunction Psychology Child Psychopathology