Marcus Ranney

Strategy and Business Development Manager · Khubchandani Group and Krimson Health

Youthful and energetic, bridging together the worlds of clinical medicine with the business needs of healthcare today

Healthcare Needs in the Developing World Sports Medicine and Fitness Physiology At the Extremes

Nabil Al-Tikriti

Associate Professor of History & American Studies · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Al-Tikriti has firsthand experience with Middle Eastern affairs, as a researcher, humanitarian and election monitor.

Forced Migration (Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons) Genocide Higher Education Humanitarian Affairs History of the Ottoman Empire

Gennady Miloshevsky, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Miloshevsky researches computational physics with emphasis on effects of plasma, laser and particle beams on materials.

Materials Under Extreme Conditions Radiation- and Plasma-Material Interactions Physics of High Energy Densities Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics Dusty Plasmas

Mikhail Chernyshev

Marketing Director · Tele2 Croatia

Lecturer. Marketing Consultant. Co-owner and managing director of Inventa's Digital Agency Russian branch.

Marketing Communications Guerrilla Marketing Marketing Strategy

Marina Eremeeva

Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences · Georgia Southern University

Expert in health sciences

Public Heath Laboratories Zoonotic and Emerging Diseases Epidemiology Biostatistics Environmental Health Sciences

Linjie Chou Zanadu

Founder of Global Foundation for Culture and Peace · Linjie Chou Zanadu

Linjie is the founder of Global Foundation for Culture and Peace, focuses on the track II diplomacy for promoting peace.

Intercultural Dialogue Cross-Cultural Issues National Security Great Power Rivalry US-China Rivalry

Senia Maymin

Coauthor, Workshops, Talks · Profit from the Positive

Expert in business and positive psychology

Business and Positive Psychology Productivity Team Conflict

Patrick Jung, Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Patrick Jung's areas of focus include American history, German art history, and anthropology.

American History German Art History Cultural Anthropology American Indian History

Isabella Weber

Associate Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Economist Isabella Weber has gained international attention and accolades for her ground-breaking ideas on price controls and inflation.

Price Caps Seller's Inflation Inflation History of Economic Thought

Gregory Ruzzin

Associate Professor of Production, School of Film and Television · Loyola Marymount University

Associate Professor of Production Film & Television at Loyola Marymount University

Directing (Narrative and Documentary) Directing as a Design Medium Documentary Filmmaking Teaching Filmmaking Short Films

Andrei Simonov

Professor · Michigan State University

An expert in US and international stock markets, institutional and individual investors, investment banking and behavioral finance.

International Finance Behavioral Finance Financial Services Asset Management

David Morey

Vice Chairman · Core Strategy Group

President and CEO, DMG, Inc. (Strategic Consultant)

Political Campaigns Crisis Communications Public Diplomacy

Dr. Ed Frazelle

Executive Director · RightChain™ Institute

President and CEO at Logistics Resources International

Supply Chain Strategy Supply Chain Megatrends Inventory Strategy

Allen C. Amason

Dean of the Parker College of Business · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Amason’s research focuses on strategic decision-making and the role of top management in the strategy process.

Strategic Decision Making Strategic Management

Rebecca Johnson

Professor, Faculty of Law · University of Victoria

Rebecca Johnson is a pioneer in Canadian law-and-film scholarship.

Intercultural Communication Indigenous Affairs Sexuality and the Law Same-sex Couples Colonialism

Ugo Mattei

Distinguished Professor of Law and Alfred and Hanna Fromm Chair in International and Comparative Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4646 / Office 623-200

Comparative Law Economics and the Law European Community Law African Law Anthropological and Ecological Approaches to Law