Ali Ataya

M.D./Associate Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Ali Ataya is a critical care physician specializing in treating patients with pulmonary hypertension and rare lung diseases.

ICU Ventilator Weaning Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Rare Lung Diseases Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Lymphangioleiomyomatosis

Kathleen M. Brennan

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Kathleen M. Brennan's research interests include mental health, medical sociology and social psychology.

Sociology of Emotions Social Psychology Mental Health Medical Sociology Work and Occupations

William Heyborne

Dean of College of Natural Sciences and Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University

Higher education leader facilitating the development of faculty, staff, and students.

Ecology and Evolution of Insects and Arachnids Herpetology Entomology Zoology Amphibians

Francis Beckwith, Ph.D.

Professor of Philosophy & Church-State Studies, Affiliate Professor of Political Science · Baylor University

Nationally recognized philosopher and legal expert in the areas of religion, jurisprudence, politics and ethics.

Faith Law Church and State Issues Philosophical and Theological Ethics Ethics & Values

Karen Musalo

Professor of Law, International Law Professorship Chair and Director of the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4720 / Office 403-100

Refugee Law and Policy Gender Asylum Women's Rights Child Migrant's Rights Gender Justice / Central America

Mary Anne Amalaradjou, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut

Mary Anne Amalaradjou is a microbiologist with laboratory work focused on food safety and gut health

Inflammation Microbiome Gut Health Probiotics Food Safety

Donna Thomson

Author, Caregiving Activist · McMaster University

Author and Leader in family caregiving - disability and aging Instructor, McMaster University Vice-Chair, Kids Brain Health Network

Health Care Navigation Family Caregiving Resilience Strategic Advocacy Teaching, Coaching

Alex John London

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Alex John London’s work focuses on ethical and policy issues surrounding novel technologies in medicine.

Elections Responsible AI Bioethics AI Ethics

Dr John McGarry

Senior Lecturer · Leeds Beckett

John McGarry's research interests include all aspects of public law and legal theory and he has published extensively in these areas.

Legal Theory Law Government Policies Justice Public Law

Icaro dos Santos, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Icaro dos Santos is an expert in embedded systems, medical devices and finite element modeling.

Simulink and Control Systems Static Electricity Artificial Intelligence Biomedical Engineering Analog Hardware

Diana C. Parry

Professor, Applied Health Sciences, Special Advisor to the President, Women's and Gender Issues · University of Waterloo

Dr. Diana C. Parry research explores the roles of leisure in women’s health and wellbeing through a feminist lens.

Women's Leisure Gender Leisure Health and Well-Being Qualitative Inquiry Feminist Theory

Tara Alvarez

Professor and Director, Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Program · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Alvarez conducts neuroscience research for helping patients recover their vision and for diagnosing other visual diseases.

Vision Therapy Virtual Reality Vision Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering

Cherie Stabler

Professor/Chair · University of Florida

Cherie Stabler’s research centers on engineering translational biomaterial platforms for cell-based therapies, particularly Type 1 diabetes.

Immunomodulation Diabetes Tissue Engineering Regenerative Medicine Biomaterials

Sanjeev Kumar

Associate Professor/Director/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar's goal is to help people who suffer from chronic pain and strives to get to the bottom of why they are hurting.

Cancer Related Pain Nerve Pain Intervertebral Disc Herniation Cervical Spinal Stenosis Pudendal Neuralgia

Yanping Ma

Professor of Mathematics · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Applied Mathematics Mathematics Mathematical Modeling Simulations Latex

Nicole Dorey

Instructional Professor · University of Florida

Nicole R. Dorey, founder of the Animalia Laboratory, teaches courses in psychology and animal behavior.

Human-Animal Interactions Animal Training Animal Welfare Animal Behavior Dog Cognition

Professor Louisa Ells

Professor of Obesity · Leeds Beckett

Louisa has specialised in applied obesity research for the past two decades.

Obesity Nutrition Public Health Weight Management

Sophia Lunt

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

The Lunt Lab focuses on understanding the role of metabolism in supporting cancer proliferation, heterogeneity, and metastasis.

Cells Metabolomics Molecular Biology Mass Spectrometry LC-MS

Laura Vandenberg

Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Laura Vandenberg looks at how exposures to plastics, and other chemicals especially early in life, can predispose individuals to diseases.

Plastics and Human Health Endocrine Disruptors Plastic Exposure Developmental Biology Hazard Assessment

Jason Rolls, M.D., FACS

Chief and Surgical Director of the Kidney Transplant Program · ChristianaCare

Dr. Rolls is Chief and Surgical Director of the Transplant Program. He provides care for those choosing kidney transplantation or donation.

Transplantation Immunosuppression Organ Donation General Surgery Abdominal Solid Organ Transplantation Dialysis Access Surgery