Melanie Wilcox, PhD

Assistant Professor and Researcher · Department of Psychological Sciences, the Institute of Public and Preventive Health, and the Department of Psychiatry

Dr. Wilcox's research covers multicultural counseling and competencies, as well as issues of race, sexual orientation, gender, social class.

Racism and Whiteism Mental Health & Wellness Sexism LGBTQIA+ Equality

Hanne M. Hoffmann

Assistant Professor of Animal Science; Expert in Neuroendocrinology · Michigan State University

Dr. Hoffmann’s research program is focused on how light changes your well being, motivation, fertility and pregnancy success.

Light Contamination Impact of Light on Physiology Development Molecular Biology Preterm Labor

Wayne Hulon

Executive Director · American College of Psychotherapy

In addition to his private practice, Wayne Hulon is privileged to serve as the Executive Director of the American College of Psychotherapy.

Concussions and mental health Light Therapy Neuroscience and the judicial system Developmental Trauma & Violence Psychotherapy

Andre Norman

Corporate Trainer · Andre Norman Inc.

Motivational Speaker | Professional Training & Coaching

Motivational Speaking Anti-Gang Strategies Leadership Training and Development

Megh Marathe

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Megh Marathe's research seeks to foster inclusion in expert practices and technologies by centering the perspectives of marginalized people.

Medical Anthropology Disability Studies Science and Technology Studies‎

Toufiq Reza, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Reza's research interests involve converting wastes to biofuels.

Biomass Conversion Waste Valorization Waste to Energy Biomaterials Biofuels

S.L. (Sid) Stebel

Emeritus Lecturer, MPW Program · University of Southern California

Lecturer/Grp Workshop Leader to "Finding Your Secret Story" based on his critically acclaimed writing book, "Double Your Creattive Power!',

Finding Your Secret Story How to Write an Autobiography Differences & Similarities Between Prose & Theatrical (Film) Writing Breaking Into Film Biz-Choosing the Right Path Subconscious Writing Process

Jill Nunes Jensen

Senior Lecturer of Dance · Loyola Marymount University

Senior Lecturer of Dance

Dayna Nadine Scott

Associate Professor · Osgoode Hall Law School of York University

Dr.Dayna Scott works in the areas of environmental law and policy; critical risk theory; environmental justice; and trade and globalization.

Environmental Law and Justice Gender and Environmental Health Toxic Substances Regulation Feminist Theory of the Body Pollution

Carolyn Thomas

Speaker, Blogger · Heart Sisters

Carolyn Thomas is an expert on women, heart disease, and the patient experience.

Women's Health Public Speaking Media Relations Patient Advocacy Patient Safety

Melanie Szulczewski

Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Szulczewki's research focuses on soil science and environmental toxicology.

Earth and Environmental Studies Environmental Issues Climate Change Solar Cooking Soil Science

Avak Kahvejian

Partner, VentureLabs · Flagship Pioneering

Avak Kahvejian is an expert in conceiving and launching internally generated platform companies and leveraging new biological mechanisms.

Biotechnologies Design Biology Technology Biological Mechanisms

Kate Johnson

Chaplain · Queen's University

Kate Johnson is a believer in the value of interfaith dialogue and community-building to bring people together.

Interfaith Dialogue Community Building Community Outreach Nonprofits Higher Education

Michael Mullan

Biomedical researcher · Roskamp Institute

A biomedical researcher of the beta amyloid protein and its relation to Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's Disease

Whitney Burnett

Executive Director · National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction

The true face of any event lies in the heart of its content, and my contribution is to make sure the beat goes on!

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Fundraising Best Practices The Important Contributions of Non-Profit Foundations Overcoming Obstacles

R. Gregory Cochran

Associate Director, UCSF / UC Hastings Health Policy and Law Degree Program and Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-581-8884 / Office 622-200

Health Care Fraud and Abuse Health Facility Licensing Peer Review Health Information Privacy Patient Consent

Michael Gaeta

President · Gaeta Communications

Visionary clinician and inspiring speaker in the fields of healing, wellness and nutrition

Wellness & Healing Nutrition: Diet and Supplementation Preventative Medicine Whole Food Nutrition Business

Jerome Schultz

Clinical Neuropsychologist · Harvard Medical School

Experienced clinician and teacher. Captivating, informative speaker who makes the stress/learning connection with humor and wisdom.

The Connection Between Stress and Learning in Kids With Ld Adhd and Asperger Syndrome Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Children With Fragile Emotions and Challenging Behaviors. The De-Stress Model of Intervention for Children With Ld and Adhd The Myths and Realities of Inclusion

Matthew Coles

Professor of Practice · UC Hastings College of the Law


Civil Procedure Race, Sex and Sexual Orientation Discrimination Constitutional Law Freedom of speech Jail and Prison Conditions

Glenn Wollman

Medical Guide · Glenn Wollman,MD, FACEP

Skilled, engaging speaker linking health, wellness and healing in a new manner

Holistic Integrative Medicine Balancing Life for Optimal Health Preparing for Illness Injury and Healing in the Best Way