Suzanne Bauer, Psy.D., Esq.

Clinical Psychologist · ChristianaCare

Dr. Suzanne Bauer is an expert in diagnosing autism spectrum disorder and providing care to outpatients using a variety of therapies.

Psychological Assessment Behavior Modification Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Child Psychology Autism Spectrum Disorder

Deena Weisberg, PhD

Associate Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences · Villanova University

Deena Weisberg, Ph.D., studies imaginative cognition and scientific thinking in young children and adults.

Child Development Imagination Public Understanding of Science‎ Galapagos Islands Pretend Play

Rebecca Spencer

Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Rebecca Spencer is one of the nation's leading researchers exploring the relationship between sleep and brain function.

Children and Napping Sleep and Learning Learning and Memory Children and Sleep Cognition

Fr. Tom Batsis

Professor Emeritus · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Specialized Programs in Professional Psychology

School Safety Youth Gangs Psychology and Catholicism Counseling Psychology

Barbara Schneider

Hannah Distinguished Professor in the College of Education and Professor of Sociology and Education · Michigan State University

An expert on how schools and families influence the academic and social well-being of adolescents as they move into adulthood

Social Contexts of Education Adolescents and Families

Peter Savolainen

MSU Foundation Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Michigan State University

Peter Savolainen’s research examines the fundamental nature of road user behavior

Traffic Operations Connected and autonomous vehicles Statistical and Econometric Methods Transportation Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation

Connie Corley, Ph.D.

Professor Emerit - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Connie Corley, PhD is a member of the doctoral faculty in the School of Leadership Studies

Human Development and Consciousness Spirituality Positive Psychology Interdisciplinary Teamwork Family Caregiving

P. Lynne Honey

Associate Professor and Chair · MacEwan University, Department of Psychology

Behaviour, biopsychology, evolution, and critical thinking. I'm interested in where nature and nurture shake hands.

evolution and human behaviour animal learning and conditioning theory teaching of psychology social dominance sex differences

Ramsey Musallam, Ed.D

Teacher/Professor/Consultant · Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep/Privately Employed


Curriculum Design Inquiry Based Learning Action Research Curiosity Multimedia

Vladlena Benson

Professor of Cybersecurity Management · Aston University

Professor Benson is an industry-recognised expert in cybersecurity management and governance.

Emergent Technologies Cybersecurity and Risk Management Digital Transformation

Elizabeth Flynn-Dastoor

Psychology Lab Coordinator and PhD Candidate · Wilfrid Laurier University

Enhancing student development through strategic, collaborative, evidence-based practices

Developmental Psychology Research Design Managing Student Teams Student Development Statistical Analysis

Anita Williams Woolley

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Anita Williams Woolley is an organizational psychologist who studies team collaboration in the workplace and collective intelligence.

Remote Work Team Collaboration Collective Intelligence Organizational Psychology Cognitive Style

John Tate

Member · Stites & Harbison PLLC

Provocative and entertaining speaker, with skills honed in the courtroom and the classroom, knowledgeable on all aspects of civil litigation

Science in the Courtroom Product Safety Persuasive Communication

Connie Veazey, Ph.D.

Program Director - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Trauma impact specialist

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Trauma Recovery Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Health Psychology

Lauren Devine

Deputy Director, Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics · Aston University

Professor Devine's research derives from an interest in the legal & social tensions between state powers & private rights.

K Law (General) Safeguarding (Child and Adult) (Critical) Discourse Analysis Corpus Linguistics Family Justice Studies

Renee Miller

Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Instructional Track; Director, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program · University of Rochester

Miller examines sex differences in brains and behaviors. She is author of "Cognitive Bias in Fantasy Sports."

Fantasy Football Fantasy Sports and decision making Neuroscience Cognitive Bias Neurobiology

Valerie Earnshaw

Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Earnshaw examines associations between stigma and health inequities.

Health Inequities Health Outcomes HIV Stigma AIDS Stigma Stigmatized Conditions‎

James Vivian, Ph.D.

Faculty Research Specialist - School of Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Health practices and health literacy in ethnic groups and underserved groups; study of liability scales as they relate to criminal behavior

Introductory and Advanced Statistics Advanced Spss Power Analysis The Analysis of Moderation and Mediation Structural Equation Modeling

Nancy Jordan

Dean Family Endowed Chair of Education and Professor · University of Delaware

Prof. Jordan's research focuses on how children learn math and why so many struggle.

Child Development Mathematics Learning Difficulties Math Disabilities Number Sense Interventions

Karen Huchting

Professor & Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Educational Leadership and Administration

Statistics/SPSS Grant Writing Higher Education Assessment Survey Development