Karin Gravare Silbernagel
Professor, Physical Therapy · University of Delaware
Prof. Silbernagel's research aims to advance the understanding of tendon and ligament injuries and repair.
Achilles Tendinopathy Patellar Tendinopathy Achilles Tendon Rupture Tendon Rupture Knee Injuries
Jerome Schultz
Clinical Neuropsychologist · Harvard Medical School
Experienced clinician and teacher. Captivating, informative speaker who makes the stress/learning connection with humor and wisdom.
The Connection Between Stress and Learning in Kids With Ld Adhd and Asperger Syndrome Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Children With Fragile Emotions and Challenging Behaviors. The De-Stress Model of Intervention for Children With Ld and Adhd The Myths and Realities of Inclusion
Gary Elkins, Ph.D., ABPP
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience (Core Clinical Faculty) · Baylor University
Dr. Gary Elkins' areas of specialization are clinical psychology, health psychology, and hypnotherapy.
Clinical Psychology Health Psychology Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy for Hot Flashes Breast Cancer Survivors
Erin Booker, LPC
Chief Bio-Psycho-Social Officer · ChristianaCare
Erin Booker, LPC, is the Chief Bio-Psycho-Social Officer at ChristianaCare.
Behavioral Health Community Health Strategic Collaborations Community Education Community Partnerships
Satish Rao, MD
Digestive Health Expert · Augusta University
Dr. Satish Rao, a seasoned gastroenterologist, is an expert in digestive health, particularly the brain-gut connection.
Bowel movements Fructose intolerance Brain-gut connection Constipation Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibd)
Carolyn Snider
Emergency Physician at Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre & Medical Director · Emergency Department Violence Intervention Program
An academic emergency medicine physician dedicated to advocating for people affected by violence
Trauma Care Youth Violence Intimate Partner Violence Emergency Medicine
Tara Alvarez
Professor and Director, Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Program · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Professor Alvarez conducts neuroscience research for helping patients recover their vision and for diagnosing other visual diseases.
Vision Therapy Virtual Reality Vision Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering
Kimberly Gannon, M.D., Ph.D, F.A.H.A
Medical Director of Comprehensive Stroke Program, Physician Executive of Neurosciences Service Line · ChristianaCare
Dr. Gannon combines the expertise of clinician with doctorate research to improve both patient and population health in neurological care.
Stroke Care Vascular Neurology Neurology Physiology Neurological Diseases
Michael Gaeta
President · Gaeta Communications
Visionary clinician and inspiring speaker in the fields of healing, wellness and nutrition
Wellness & Healing Nutrition: Diet and Supplementation Preventative Medicine Whole Food Nutrition Business
Deborah Chyun, Ph.D.
Professor and Dean Emeritus · University of Connecticut
Professor Chyun is an expert in the field of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Nursing
Brandi Simonsen, Ph.D.
Professor of Educational Psychology, Co-Director of Center for Behavioral Education and Research · University of Connecticut
Professor Simonsen is an expert in school, classroom, and student positive behavioral interventions and supports.
School Discipline Student Behavior Seclusion Behavioral Intervention Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Kari Sampsel
Medical Director, Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program, Attending Staff Emergency Physician · The Ottawa Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine & University of Ottawa
Emergency Medicine, Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Clinician, Educator and Advocate
Emergency Medicine Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Intimate Partner Violence Sexual Assault Awareness
Ryan Nall
Associate Professor/M.D. · University of Florida
Dr. Ryan Nall's research focuses on LGBTQ+ health, HIV prevention and preventative medicine.
Preventative Medicine HIV Prevention LGBTQ+ Health HIV Infection
Michael W. Johnson, MA, CAP
Senior Managing Director of Behavioral Health · CARF International
A creative, solutions-oriented leader who is passionate about improving quality in behavioral healthcare through CARF accreditation.
ASAM Level of Care Certification Office Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT) Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Mental Health (Severe Mental Illness) Practice and Policy Suicide Prevention
Valeria V. Gordan
Distinguished Professor/Associate Dean · University of Florida
Valeria V. Gordan is a researcher, educator, and clinician with an active practice until 2018.
Dental Practice-Based Research Dental Cavities Dentistry Dental Care for Adults Clinical Oral Health Research
Gina Maria Musolino
Professor/Associate Director · University of Florida
Gina Maria Musolino uses design, development, and evaluation for contemporary, health care professionals' development from class to clinic.
IPE Cultural Competence Physical Therapy Health Policy & Advocacy Reflective Practice Scholarship of Teaching & Learning: Professional Formation Clinical Faculty Development
Meaghan Adams
Registered Physiotherapist / PhD candidate, Department of Kinesiology · University of Waterloo
PhD candidate in neuroscience, studying sensory changes after concussion. Sports & vestibular physiotherapist working in concussion rehab.
Concussion Rehabilitation Neuroscience Vestibular System Physiotherapy Concussions
George J. Davies
Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences · Georgia Southern University
George J. Davies is an expert in sports physical therapy, athletic training, orthopaedics, and rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation Sports Physical Therapy Athletic Training
Aaron Smith
Senior Lecturer and Applied Instructor of Music (Percussion) and Director, Percussion Ensemble · Loyola Marymount University
Senior Lecturer and Applied Instructor of Music (Percussion) and Director, Percussion Ensemble
Ingrid Jimenez
Lecturer of Marital & Family Therapy/Art Therapy Department · Loyola Marymount University
Lecturer of Marital & Family Therapy/Art Therapy