Ramayya Krishnan

Dean, Heinz College · Carnegie Mellon University

Ramayya Krishnan is well known for his work in e-commerce and information risk management.

Measurement and Analysis Risk Analysis Management Science Operations Research Risk Management

Norman Beatty

M.D./Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Norman Beatty studies neglected tropical diseases, such as Chagas disease, Leishmaniasis, cysticercosis and snake envenomation.

Borreliosis Ehrlichiosis Tick-borne Diseases Snake Envenomation Leishmaniasis

Kelly Sullivan

Assistant Professor, Epidemiology · Georgia Southern University

Kelly Sullivan is an expert in epidemiology and neurological diseases

Movement Disorders New Drug Applications Neurological Disorders Environmental Health Sciences Biostatistics

Mariya Vizireanu, PhD

Researcher / Lecturer · Loyola Marymount University

Lecturer - Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts (LMU) | Senior Researcher - Rec Room

Research Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Survey Design Survey Programming Data Analysis

Gianluca De Leo, PhD

Chair of the Department of Health Management, Economics and Policy · Augusta University

Dr. Gianluca De Leo is a leading expert on using technology, such as virtual reality and e-health, in public health and health care.

Telemedicine Augmented Reality Health Technology Biotechnology Public Health

Norman Garrick, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department · University of Connecticut

Professor with a focus on civil engineering, transportation behaviors, parking, public transit, and bicycle lanes.

Shared Spaces Transit Planning Urban Planning Civil Engineering Urban Street Networks

Kelly Ylitalo, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Public Health · Baylor University

An expert in Physical Functioning, Obesity and Diabetes, Survey Methodology, and Physical Activity.

Physical Activity Obesity and Diabetes Physical Functioning Survey Methodology

Jian Zhang

Associate Professor, Biostatistics · Georgia Southern University

Jian Zhang's research focuses on chronic disease from both public health and preventative medicine perspectives.

Public Health Surveillance Vaccine-preventative Diseases Epidemiology Chronic Diseases Global Health

Junghoon Park, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Public Health International Business Business Sustainability Strategic Management Climate Change

Arni Rao, PhD

Director and Professor · Augusta University

Director of the Laboratory for Theory and Mathematical Modeling and professor at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.

Artifical Intelligence Infectious Disease Mathematical Analyses Complex Dynamics,

Bree Akesson

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Work · Wilfrid Laurier University

Assistant Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University who conducts research with children and families affected by war and global social work

Refugee and Human Rights Issues War and Violence Children and Families Social Work Social Work Education

David Dodell-Feder

Assistant Professor of Psychology · University of Rochester

David Dodell-Feder's research looks at the processes that contribute to healthy and disordered social functioning, and their improvement.

Empathy Behavioral Methods Psychotic Spectrum Disorders Neuroimaging Relationship Psychology

Michael Brown

Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine · Michigan State University

Has expertise teaching evidence-based medicine concepts and engaged in knowledge translation at the national level.

Emergency Medicine Evidence Synthesis and Evaluation Knowledge Translation Epidemiology Meta-Analysis

Charles H. Hennekens, M.D., Dr.PH

Sir Richard Doll Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Charles Hennekens is the first Sir Richard Doll Professor and senior academic advisor.

Cardiovascular Disease Strengths and Limitations of Descriptive and Analytic Studies Prevention and Treatment of Chronic and Acute Diseases Preventive and Internal Medicine Epidemiology

Allison Stock, PhD

Senior Vice President, Environmental, Health & Safety · J.S. Held LLC

Toxicologist & Epidemiologist | Public Health Risk Expert | NIOSH Fellowship | CDC Fellowship

Epidemiology Toxicology Environmental Human Health Risk Assessments Chemical Exposures

Melissa Melough

Assistant Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Nutrition Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Melough studies the interrelationships of nutritional and environmental factors influencing human health.

Nutrition Epidemiology Public Health Molecular Epidemiology Cancer Epidemiology

Kabindra Shakya, PhD

Associate Professor of Environmental Science · Villanova University

Professor Kabindra Shakya, Ph.D. research on air pollution, heavy metal pollution in urban soils, and environmental justice issues.

Air Pollution Particulate Matter Environmental Justice Lead Contamination in Soil

Tammy Clifford

Chief Scientist and Vice President, Evidence Standards · Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)

Supporting evidence-informed decisions in Canadian health care as CADTH's Chief Scientist and Vice President, Evidence Standards.

Epidemiology Evidence-Based Medicine Health Health & Healthcare Law and Policy health technology assessment

Jayanta Gupta, M.D., Ph.D.

Expert in epidemiology · Florida Gulf Coast University

Jayanta Gupta explores the genetic and environmental risk factors behind chronic health conditions, including allergic and kidney diseases.

Molecular Epidemiology Allergic Diseases Atopic Dermatitis Asthma Chronic Kidney Disease

Jeff Levin, Ph.D.

University Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health · Baylor University

Dr. Levin’s current research and writing are focused on the historical and contemporary intersections of faith and medicine.

Coronavirus Social and Epidemiologic Research on Judaism and Population health Theories of Healing and the Work of Healers Role of Faith-Based Initiatives in Public Health and Healthcare Policy Religion and Health