Juergen Hahn

Professor & Department Head, Biomedical Engineering · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Specializes in systems biology and process modeling and analysis with a focus on Autism diagnosis and treatment

Modeling and Control Data Science Computational Systems Biology Autism Spectrum Disorder

Chamille Weddington

Director of Marketing & Promotions · Out the Box Promotions

Educator, Marketing Strategist & Social Entrepreneur who enjoys analyzing and discussing unique and unexpected products and entities.

Product Positioning Small Business Growth New Product Promotion Special Events Effective Promotion Marketing

Janice Kiecolt-Glaser

Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Director of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research | College of Medicine · The Ohio State University

Medical expert focused on the impacts of stress on metabolic response.

Psychoneuroimmunology Behavioral immunology Close relationships, inflammation, and health Stress and inflammation in cancer survivors Behavioral influences on metabolism following high-fat meals

Stephen J. Andriole, PhD

Thomas G. Labrecque Professor of Business Technology | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Stephen J. Andriole, PhD, is an expert in emerging technologies and business technology strategy.

Emerging Technology Trends Technology Adoption Virtual & Augmented Reality Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Social Media Analytics

Mark Roehling

Associate Professor of Human Resource Management · Michigan State University

Expert on discrimination in the workplace, including weight discrimination and sex discrimination

Human Resource Management Organizational Behavior

Daniel Kirk, Ph.D.

Professor | College of Engineering and Science · Florida Tech

Dr. Kirk's research focuses on air-breathing propulsion and rocket propulsion, and additive manufacturing for aerospace applications.

Aerospace Applications Rocket Propulsion Rocket Science Fluid Mechanics Fluid Dynamics

Andrea Kirkwood

Associate Professor · University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Aquatic Ecology | Algae | Water Research | Water Quality | Water Pollution | Invasive Species | Environmental Microbiology

Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Invasive Species Algae algal blooms blue-green algae

John Henson, MD

Professor of Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pediatrics · Augusta University

Dr. Henson practices neuro-oncology in the MCG Brain Tumor Program and manages patients with neurofibromatosis and related genetic disorders

Brain Tumors Spine Tumors Neuro-Oncology Genetics Hereditary Cancer

Melissa Powell-Williams, PhD

Professor of Sociology · Augusta University

Dr. Powell-Williams' research interests include domestic violence victim advocacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Deaf culture Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Subcultures Social Movements Organizations

Nathan W. Chan

Associate Professor of Resource Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Nathan Chan uses economic methods to examine challenges in environmental management and energy policy

Charitable Giving Environmental Management Environmental Public Goods Climate Change Mitigation Nonmarket Valuation

Lorrie Faith Cranor

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Lorrie Faith Cranor has authored over 150 research papers on online privacy, usable security, and other topics.

Engineering and Policy Privacy Cybersecurity and Privacy Computer Science Usable Security

Fernando Estrada

Associate Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Specialized Programs in Professional Psychology

Psychology Counseling Mental Health Higher Education

Victor Antonio

Chief Sales Officer · Sales Influence

Sales Influence - Finding the Why in (How Clients) Buy

Germany Kent

Hall of Fame Media Pro | National Award-Winning Journalist and Producer | Bestselling Author · https://muckrack.com/germanykent

Germany is a renowned wise wordsmith with by-lines or quotes featured in countless media outlets around the world.

Multimedia Communications Media Relations and Publicity Corporate Training & Coaching Leadership Branding Communications Sales Marketing Producing Developing Establishing (Enterprise)

Olexandr Isayev

Assistant Professor, Chemistry · Carnegie Mellon University

Olexandr Isayev's research focuses on solving fundamental chemical problems with machine learning, molecular modeling and quantum mechanics.

Theoretical Chemistry Computational Chemistry Machine Learning Cheminformatics Drug Discovery

Stephen Rich

Professor of Microbiology and Director of the New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases (NEWVEC) · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Stephen Rich studies zoonotic diseases, with a focus on tick-borne diseases and human malaria. He is the director TickReport.

Powassan Vector-Borne Diseases Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases Parasitic diseases Malaria Research

Carol Bishop Mills, Ph.D.

Professor and Director, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies · Florida Atlantic University

Carol Bishop Mills' research covers the lifespan from teasing and bullying in childhood through workplace bullying and sexual harassment.

Relational and Interpersonal Communication Health Communication

Tim Moore

CEO · CrushIQ

Hype is dead! I teach businesses how to specifically create better customer experiences while competing for greater mind & market share.

Social Media Marketing Digital Business The Connected Consumer Google+ for Business

Kathryn Bender

Assistant Professor of Economics · University of Delaware

Research focuses on the economic pedagogy as well as the economics of food waste, experimental economics and consumer behavior.

Food Marketing and Policy Economic Pedagogy Taylor Swift Data Visualization Data Analysis

Josh Clinton

Abby and Jon Winkelried Professor of Political Science · Vanderbilt University

Polling expert who uses statistical methods to explain political processes. Co-directs the Vanderbilt Poll.

Voters Tennessee politics Polling American Politics Political polls