Angela Danyluk
Biologist/Sustainability specialist · local government
Ecologist who connects information and people to make change, solve problems and find solutions within the local government sector.
Reducing greenhouse gases Fish Ecology Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation
Erica Davies
Founder · It Takes a Village Africa Corp
Founder at It Takes A Village Africa
Africa Rising Agriculture Speaker Real Estate Advisor
Penelope Simons
Professor, Faculty of Law · University of Ottawa
Penelope Simons has been engaged in research on corporate human rights accountability for over a decade.
Business and Human Rights Corporate Social Responsibility International Human Rights Law Transnational Corporations Human Rights and International Economic Law
M. Eric Benbow
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Insect - Microbe interactions in aquatic ecology, forensics, and human health.
Forensic Sciences Infectious Disease Ecology Aquatic Entomology Aquatic Ecology Microbial Ecology
Surupa Gupta
Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Gupta is an expert on Indian politics and economics, international political economy, gender and development, and South Asian politics.
Indian Politics and Economics International Political Economy Politics of Economic Development South Asian Politics Global Economic Governance
Paul Topham
Head of School of Infrastructure and Sustainable Engineering · Aston University
Professor Topham's research is focussed on sustainable polymer science; making new plastics of the future for a wide range of applications.
X-ray Scattering Electrospinning Polymer Science Block Copolymers Biodegradable Polymers
Dr Benz Kotzen
Associate Professor in Landscape Design · University of Greenwich
Dr Kotzen is a chartered landscape architect with more than 30 years’ experience as a consultant and a researcher.
Environmental Noise Green Roofs Plants Landscape Design Arid and Desert Landscapes
Jonathan Crane
Professor · University of Florida
Jonathan Crane studies how hurricanes affect Florida agriculture.
Hurricane Effects on Florida Agriculture Biodiversity and the Environment
Karla Saldaña Ochoa
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Karla Saldaña Ochoa investigates the interplay of artificial and human intelligence to empower creativity and social good.
AI Architectural Design Data Analysis Disaster Response Human-Centered AI
Research Scientist & iNaturalist
Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation
Amir AghaKouchak
Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering · UC Irvine
Amir AghaKouchak studies how climate change and variability influence extreme events (flood/drought/heatwaves) and compound hazards.
Climate Extremes Climatology Climate Change Flood Drought
Liliane Binego
Researcher in Stabilisation Agriculture · Coventry University
Liliane Binego's research work involves responding and building resilient food productions systems in fragile environments.
Sustainable living Adaptive Management of Biotic Stressors Pre and Post Disaster Response Food Security Fragile Environments
Chibuzo Ukegbu
Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Chibuzo Ukegbu's research focuses on formal verification and analysis of industrial control systems software.
Software Engineering Cloud Security Computing Cloud Infrastructure Deployment Automation and Configuration Management
Ali Sarkhosh
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Ali Sarkhosh is a fruit crop applied physiologist and extension specialist with more than 15 years of experience with fruit production.
Fruit Crop Management Fruit Crop Production PGRs Pruning Rootstock and Scion Evaluation
Peter G. Klein, Ph.D.
Professor of Entrepreneurship · Baylor University
Peter G. Klein is an economist who studies managerial and organizational issues, with a special interest in entrepreneurship and innovation
Entrepreneurship Innovation Diversification Vertical Coordination Public Policy
Jeremy Everett, D.Min.
Founder and Executive Director, Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty · Baylor University
National voice on scalable solutions to end hunger through partnerships, research, innovative models and collaboration
Poverty Hunger Policy National Hunger Issues Food Insecurity Food Policy
Scott Yates
Founder · Blogmutt
Founder, CEO at Blogmutt. Author and Speaker
Startups Brain Pr and Marketing Today Patents and Ip Management of Different Generations
Cholani Weebadde
Assistant Professor - Plant Breeder for International Programs · Michigan State University
Cholani Weebadde is dedicated to training the next generation of plant breeders as hunger fighters.
Global Food Security Hunger Plant Breeding Climate Adaptation
Thomas Dietz
University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Environmental Science and Policy (ESPP) · Michigan State University
Expert in climate change, human driving forces of environmental change, environmental values, environmental decision making
Ecology Environmental Policy Human driving forces of environmental change Climate Change
Allison Karpyn
Associate Professor, Education; Senior Associate Director, Center for Research in Education and Social Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Karpyn can speak to topics such as obesity, food policy and community nutrition.
Farmer’s Markets Supermarket Access Obesity Food Insecurity Public Health