Nikki Rothwell

Faculty Coordinator at the Northwest Michigan Horticulture and Research Center · Michigan State University

Expert in the coordination of research-based technical and management information to the fruit industry

Horticultural Research Fruit Industry

Lynn Salsi

Author, Storyteller, Teacher, Historian, Speaker · Lynn Salsi Consulting

With boundless enthusiasm, Southern history and folktales come alive with this Pulitzer Prize Nominated author & storyteller

Fiction Editing & Writing Teaching Public Relations Marketing Communications

Tara Trammell

Associate Professor, Urban Forestry · University of Delaware

Prof. Trammell studies how biophysical and sociological factors affect urban ecosystem structure and function.

Invasive Species Urban Forests Urban Ecosystems Biology Pollution

Pedro M. Reyes, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management · Baylor University

International expert on global supply chain management and radio frequency identification (RFID)

Blockchain Supply Chain & Logistics Supply Chain Management Industry 4.0 Global Supply Chain

Meena Bose

Professor of Political Science, Executive Dean for Public Policy & Public Service Programs · Hofstra University

Dr. Meena Bose is Executive Dean of Hofstra University’s Peter S. Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs

Presidential Elections Presidential Campaigns Presidential Politics Presidential History

Dennis D’Amico, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Animal Science Food Safety · University of Connecticut

Dennis D'Amico's research and outreach efforts focus on improving the safety and quality of milk and value-added dairy products.

Dairy Science Dairy Industry Food Microbiology Food Safety Standards Food Science

Lisa Diewald

Program Manager, MacDonald Center for Nutrition Education and Research | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Lisa K. Diewald, MS, RD, LDN, is an expert in healthy eating and nutrition education programs for children and adults

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Weight Management Nutrition Obesity Prevention Nutrition Counseling

Michael Curran, PhD

The Diana and Thomas Klein '84 Assistant Professor of Economics | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Michael Curran, PhD, is an expert in computational international financial macroeconomics

Business Econometrics Computational Economics New Macroeconometrics Uncertainty

Glen Hodgson

Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist · The Conference Board of Canada

Turning the Telescope Around: Get the bigger picture on how macroeconomics influences public policy and the financial health of your country

Economic Forecasting International Business Productivity and Innovation Economic Analysis

Jeffrey Buler

Professor, Wildlife Ecology · University of Delaware

Prof. Buler's current research focuses on radar biology, avian ecology and migration, landscape ecology, and conservation biology.

Bird Migration Radar Aeroecology Landscape Ecology Species Distribution Modeling Stopover Ecology

Magnus Egerstedt

Stacey Nicholas Dean of Engineering · UC Irvine

Magnus Egerstedt is a leading research on control theory, complex networks and robotics.

Multi-system robots Mobile Sensor Networks Complex networks (e.g., optimization and control, resource sharing, dimension reduction) Control Theory Robotics

Jeffrey LeJeune

Professor I Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine · The Ohio State University

Jeffrey T. LeJeune is an internationally recognized expert in food safety and bacterial diseases transmitted between animals and people.

Veterinary Medicine Animal Health Ecology Food Safety Bacterial Diseases

Patricia Thornley

Director of EBRI, Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute · Aston University

Patricia Thornley works in assessing the environmental, economic and social impacts of renewable energy technologies.

Chemistry Supergen Project Climate Change Bioenergy Environmental Sciences

Evangelyn Alocilja

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Evangelyn Alocilja is an expert in sensors and nano-biosensor devices for biodefense, health diagnostics and therapeutics.

Bio-inspired Nanostructures Tamper-Evidency Food/Water Safety Biosecurity Healthcare Diagnostics

Dan McCole

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

An expert on tourism, wine tourism, and social entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneruship Wine Tourism Tourism Sustainable Tourism Social Enterprise

John Sabo

Director · Tulane ByWater Institute; Professor, Department of River-Coastal Science and Engineering, Tulane University

Sabo is an expert in river ecology and water resources.

River Food Web Ecology Fisheries Freshwater Sustainability River ecology

Anthony Mazeroll, PhD

Professor Environmental Studies · Soka University

Professor Mazeroll focuses on the behavioral ecology of fishes

Ecology of Amazonian Fishes Population Genetics Fish Ecology Fish Behaviour Observation Human Impact on the Environment

Daniel Friess

Cochran Family Professor · Tulane University

Daniel "Dan" Friess is a researcher working to unveil the critical role that mangrove forests play in the fight against climate change.

Coastal Ecosystems Remote Sensing Mangrove Forests Blue Carbon Mangrove Ecosystems

Rodrigo Vargas

Professor, Ecosystem Ecology and Environmental Change · University of Delaware

Prof. Vargas’ work focuses on global environmental change, nature-based solutions, and environmental data science.

Climate Change Environmental Data Science Blue Carbon Nature-based Solutions Soil-Water-Plant-Atmosphere

Greg Sawicki

Associate Professor, Automation / Mechatronics · Georgia Tech - COE

Dr. Sawicki directs the Human Physiology of Wearable Robotics (PoWeR) laboratory.

Robotic Exoskeletons Terrestrial Locomotion Human-machine Interfaces