Wendy Smith

Professor, Management · University of Delaware

Prof. Smith's research focuses on strategic paradoxes – how leaders and senior teams effectively respond to contradictory agendas.

Organizational Behavior Interpersonal Dynamics Women in the Workplace Leadership Emotional Intelligence

Marc Clauson, Ph.D.

Professor of History and Law · Cedarville University

Specializes in Legal topics, Constitutional law cases, Policy issues (e. g., health care, environment, etc.), Political philosophy

Legal Topics Constitutional Law Cases Policy Issues Political Philosophy Economic Philosophy

Anita Anantharam

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Anita Anantharam’s research interests include nationalism and feminism in South Asia, women's movements, food and cultural studies.

Women and Business Inclusion Diversity Developing World Emerging Markets

Carlos de la Torre

Director · University of Florida

Carlos De la Torre is an expert in Latin American populism from a global perspective and in racism and citizenship in the Americas.

Racism and Citizenship in the Americas Populism Latin American Studies Democratization Authoritarianism

Mahesh Nalla

Professor of Criminal Justice · Michigan State University

Mahesh Nalla is an expert in global crime and security issues, ranging from sexual harassment to the security guard industry.

India Sexual Crimes Domestic Violence Security Guard Industry

Mary Anne Trasciatti

Professor of Writing Studies and Rhetoric · Hofstra University

Dr. Trasciatti is a Professor of Writing Studies and Rhetoric

Public Memory/Commemoration Public Protest Triangle Shirt Factory Fire Public Space and Public Expression Women's Studies

J.D. Gershbein

CEO / Master LinkedIn Consultant · Owlish Communications

Inspiring people and companies in all walks of business to learn LinkedIn and discover how to leverage it for revenue generation

Linkedin for Sales and Marketing Social Communication Personal Branding Social Neuromarketing Linkedin Profile

Melody Rodari

Associate Professor and Chair of Art History · Loyola Marymount University

Associate Professor and Chair of Art History

Southeast Asian Art Museum Studies Curation

Antonio Barrenechea

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Antonio Barrenechea is a scholar and teacher of literature of the Americas and cinema.

Comparative Literature Cinema Studies Literature of the Americas

Christine Greenhow

Associate Professor of Educational Technology and Educational Psychology · Michigan State University

Education expert, focusing on the impact of social media and new technologies in teaching and learning, digital scholarship

New Digital Forms of Scholarship Teaching and Learning Educational Technology Social Media and Education Educational Psychology

Allison Alford

Clinical Assistant Professor of Business Communication · Baylor University

Interpersonal and business communications expert and author who studies the roles of daughters and mothers in the family structure

Daughtering Mother-Daughter Relationships Roles of Daughters Roles of Mothers Conflict Resolution

Abdullah Taha Orhan

Researcher · Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi

Researcher at Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi

Rebecca Walker Reczek

Associate Professor of Marketing | Fisher College of Business · The Ohio State University

Dr. Reczek’s research focuses on the area of consumer behavior

Marketing Marketing & Advertising Marketing & Branding Social Influence Consumer Behavior

Daniel White

Wine Consultant · Daniel White

Veteran horticulturist and wine consultant

Horticulture Wine Viticulture

David Woods

Professor, Integrated Systems Engineering | College of Engineering · The Ohio State University

Releasing the adaptive power of human systems & innovating at the intersections of people, technology and work

Critical Care Medicine Human Centered Autonomy Nuclear Power Safety Military Command and Control Space Operations

Sue Thompson

Resident expert · Exceptionality LLC

Engaging, intelligent coach speaker helping people project a knockout professional presence!

Talent Character Professional Presence Workplace Civility Surviving Tormenting Work Environments

Chris Van Dusen

Chief Marketing Officer · MeetingBurner.com

Remote Efficiency and Collaboration Through Technology Will Change the Face of Business, Are You Ready?

Technology Ipad Social Media Personal Branding Collaboration

Nadja Bester

Digital Brand and Communications Ninja · Various international online media and communications companies

Digital Brand and Content Marketing Jedi

Digital & Mobile Strategy Digital Activism Digital Marketing & Lead Generation Digital Marketing & Strategy Digital Marketing & Advertising

Sam Davidson

Author, Keynote Speaker, and Social Entrepreneur

Engaging and experienced speaker that uses stories to motivate and inspire any audience

Nonprofit Management Social Entrepreneruship Community Leadership Simplify Your Life Personal Development

Hilary Rose

Associate Professor · Concordia University

Hilary Rose's research interests lie in child development with a current focus on sexually-confused youth

Gender Development Sexual Identity Development Stereotyping Processes Bullying At-Risk Teens