Michael Lauzardo
Chief/Associate Professor · University of Florida
Dr. Michael Lauzardo's clinical practice and research centers around tuberculosis among at-risk populations.
Public Health Pulmonary Tuberculosis Pulmonary Disease Tuberculosis
Yan Wang
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Yan Wang's research is focused on assessing/intervening substance use and health outcomes by leveraging mobile technologies.
Ecological momentary assessment Alcohol Abuse Medical Cannabis Alcohol use/misuse Wearable Alcohol Biosensors
Jennifer Dungan
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Jennifer Dungan's expertise is identifying human genetic markers for heart disease and precision cardiovascular health strategies.
Women’s Heart Disease Cardiovascular Disease Genetics
Lisa Platt
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Lisa Platt’s research focuses on using artificial intelligence and dynamic modeling to evaluate designs that reduce risks to human health.
Systems Design for Public Health Prevention Through Design Human Factors Safety Climate Change Interior Design
Sean Valles
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
I study the interplay of ethics and scientific evidence in population health, including race and migration issues and climate change issues.
Philosophy of Population Health Race in Science Health Justice Climate Change Philosophy Population Health Ethics
Matthew (Matt) Andersson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Sociology · Baylor University
Expert on health inequality, focusing on educational and socioeconomic inequalities in mental and physical well-being
Parent-child Bonding Comparative parenthood Health Behaviors Health inequality Parent-child Bonding
Vishesh Agarwal, M.D.
Vice Chair of Department of Psychiatry · ChristianaCare
Dr. Vishesh Agarwal is an addiction psychiatrist with a demonstrated history of working in the health care industry.
Evidence Based Care Smoking Cessation Behavioral Addictions Inpatient Psychiatrist Addiction Psychiatry
Sai Zhang
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Sai Zhang's research leverages machine learning and big biomedical data to decode complex human diseases and advance precision medicine.
Computational Biology Computational Genomics Machine Learning Precision Medicine Statistical Genetics
Richard Dees
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics · University of Rochester
Richard Dees' research and teaching interests are in public health ethics, neuroethics, and political philosophy.
Neuroethics Public Health Ethics Political Philosophy
Jeffrey LeJeune
Professor I Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine · The Ohio State University
Jeffrey T. LeJeune is an internationally recognized expert in food safety and bacterial diseases transmitted between animals and people.
Veterinary Medicine Animal Health Ecology Food Safety Bacterial Diseases
Vaughn McCall, MD
Case Distinguished University Chairman for the Department of Psychiatry & Health Behavior, Executive Vice Dean for the Medical College of Georgia · Augusta University
Vaughn McCall focuses on depression, electroconvulsive therapy, quality of life, insomnia, and suicide.
Suicide Quality of Life Depression Electroconvulsive Therapy Insomnia
Heather McCauley
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Heather McCauley is an expert in the prevention of sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and reproductive coercion.
Sexual Violence Gender and Sexuality Intimate Partner Violence LGBTQ Studies Public Health
Carolyn Snider
Emergency Physician at Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre & Medical Director · Emergency Department Violence Intervention Program
An academic emergency medicine physician dedicated to advocating for people affected by violence
Trauma Care Youth Violence Intimate Partner Violence Emergency Medicine