Mero Samuel

Professional Trainer & Coach · Mero Samuel Learning & Development

Professional Speaker, Trainer & Strategic Coach

Business Sales & Leadership Personal & Professional Development

Tatiana Kuzmenko

Instructor of Biology · Loyola Marymount university

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Medicinal Plants Educational Research Evolutionary Biology Molecular Biology Neurobiology

Xilei Zhao

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Xilei Zhao focuses on developing and applying data and computational science methods to tackle problems in transportation and resilience.

Machine Learning Public Transit Hurricane Evacuation Community Resilience Artificial Intelligence

Irene Kan, PhD

Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Irene Kan, PhD, investigates the neural bases of human memory and executive functions, as well as the effects of healthy aging on memory.

Neuropsychology Cognitive Neuroscience Memory and Cognition Cognitive Neuropsychology Neuroscience

Victor P. Becker

Vice President, Human Resources · NetScout Systems

Author of "Everything You Know about Organizational Behavior You Learned in High School"

Team Builder Public Company Board Experience Outsourcing Compensation Strategy and Plan Design International HR Management

Siva Mohan

Instructor · Loyola Marymount University

Morgan Ward

Assistant Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School


Leslie E. Papke

Professor of Economics · Michigan State University

Leslie Papke is an expert on public retirement systems, savings behavior, and school finance in Michigan.

Teacher Retirement Systems School Finance Public Retirement Systems

Ina Ganguli

Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ina Ganguli looks at how individuals acquire and use their skills, particularly on science and innovation, immigration and gender issues.

Gender Disparities in Labor Markets International Migration of Students and Scientists Formation of Scientific Collaboration Economics of Science & Innovation Labor Economics

Susan Crook

Author/Speaker · Susan Crook Communications, LLC

Award-winning author and motivational speaker on leadership and communication.

Personality Insights in the Workplace Confident Living Build Better Teams

Kim Gans, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Professor, Human Development & Family Studies · University of Connecticut

Dr. Gans research focuses on interventions in community-based settings with diverse populations.

Health Literacy‎ Dietary Assessment Physical Activity Healthy eating/nutrition Obesity Prevention and Treatment

William Doyle

Associate Professor of Public Policy and Higher Education · Vanderbilt University

An expert on how geography affects higher education attainment and the state of the financial aid system in America.

borrowing trends Undergraduate Education Borrowing for college College affordability Higher Education Access

Christopher Kilby

Professor of Economics | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Christopher Kilby, PhD, is an expert in political economy of development aid and how it is influenced by U.S. politics and world events.

Business Development Economics Foreign Aid Macroeconomic Theory Multilateral Aid

Dar Meshi

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Dar Meshi investigates social media use, often focusing on maladaptive, problematic social media use.

FMRI Social Decisions Social media use Individual Differences

Charles Taylor, PhD

John A. Murphy Endowed Chair Professor of Marketing; Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Marketing and Consumer Insights | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Charles "Ray" Taylor, PhD, is a go-to source on advertising, international marketing, branding and consumer behavior

Business Black Friday Big Event Advertising Marketing Advertising

Kim Walsh-Childers

Professor/Chair · University of Florida

Kim Walsh-Childers' research focuses include news coverage of health issues and mass media effects on individual health and health policy.

Science Communication Health Communication Ethics Editing Professional Responsibility

Christian Houle

Assistant Professor of Political Science · Michigan State University

An expert on comparative politics of developing countries

Social Mobility Inequality Civil Wars Democracy Regime Change

Won-Ki Moon

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Won-Ki's work explores how emerging technologies, especially AI and artificial humans, intersect with human decisions and behaviors.

Responsible Innovation Human-AI Interaction Misinformation Artificial Intelligence Science and Risk Communication

Nura Sediqe

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Muslim studies, Muslim-American politics, gender and ethnic politics

Arab and Islamic Studies Ethnic Politics Gender diversity and inclusion in public policy Voter Mobilization Voter Beavior and Attitudes

Katharine Thakkar

Assistant Professor of Psychology · Michigan State University

Professor Thakkar is an expert in psychotic disorders.

Neuropsychological Assessment Eye Tracking Psychosis Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia