Alina Fisher

Research Manager · University of Victoria, Environmental Studies

Communicating science for informed decision making

Population Ecology Science Communication science communication and outreach Ecology Wildlife Conservation

Ruth McClelland-Nugent, PhD

Chair History, Anthropology & Philosophy · Augusta University

Dr. Ruth McClelland-Nugent focuses on gender and politics in popular culture. Fields in US, Canadian, and British history.

Popular Culture Wonder Woman Gender Women 20th Century

Daryl Montgomery

Author, Blogger, Market Strategist · New York Investing Meetup

Former popular professor providing independent, unbiased big picture analysis of the markets and economy for investors.

Investing in the 2010s Inflation Investing Investing in an Economic Crisis

Toufiq Reza, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Reza's research interests involve converting wastes to biofuels.

Biomass Conversion Waste Valorization Waste to Energy Biomaterials Biofuels

Doug Tallamy

Professor, Agriculture and Natural Resources · University of Delaware

Prof. Tallamy researches how plants that evolved elsewhere impact food webs and biodiversity.

Native Plants Insect Conservation Ecological Landscaping Ecosystem Function

Candice Odgers

Professor Psychological Science · UC Irvine

Candice Odgers is a developmental psychologist who studies adolescents’ mental health and development.

Early Adversity Quantitative Psychology Social Inequality Technology and Young People Digital Inequality

Randy Beaudry

Professor of Horticulture · Michigan State University

An expert in modified atmosphere packaging, controlled-atmosphere storage, non-destructive quality assessment, and flavor analysis.

Storing Apples Horticulture Harvesting Preserving

Giacomo Negro

Professor of Organization & Management and Professor of Sociology (by courtesy); Associate Dean for Culture and Inclusion · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Organization Theory Economic Sociology Cultural and Creative Industries

Marlo Vernon, PhD

Associate Professor · Augusta University

Skilled in Program Evaluation, Grant Writing, Program Development, Public Health Research and Data Analysis.

Physical Activity Childhood Obesity Program Development Program Evaluation Public Health Research

Kevin Knauss

Independent Health Agent, Blogger, History Author · Insure Me Kevin

Health Insurance & Reform

Covered California Health Insurance Folsom Lake History

Robert Walker

Professor · University of Florida

Robert Walker is a human geographer with training in statistics and economics who studies land cover change processes.

Land Change The Amazon Latin American Studies Land Use Change Modeling Geospatial Analysis and Techniques

Margaret Ray

Chair and Professor of Economics · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Ray specializes in applied microeconomics and econometrics, industrial organization and regional economics.

Economics Econometrics Applied Microeconomics Economic Education Industrial Organizations and Antitrust

Tim Manson

Owner/President · Innovative Horizons

Tim Manson is an Inspirational Speaker whose passion is empowering individuals to overcome adversity, helping them to have a larger vision f

Compassion Confidence and Courage Turning Adversity Into Action!

Christopher Long

Potato Specialist · Michigan State University

The main objective of the Potato Specialist is to apply research to real world agriculture.

Plant Physiology Post Harvest Plant Production Potato Variety Commercialization

Richard Kobe

Professor of Forestry · Michigan State University

Expert on the ecological processes governing the dynamics of tree communities in temperate and tropical forests

Tree Communities in Temperate and Tropical Forests Forestry

Neal Fortin

Director of the Institute for Food Laws & Regulations · Michigan State University

An expert in food laws and regulation in the United States and International food laws.

Food Regulation Foods Laws

Michael Thomashow

University Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University

Is an expert on the regulation of abiotic & biotic stress tolerance pathways in plants with an emphasis on plant freezing tolerance

Biochemistry Soil and Microbial Sciences Plant Biology Molecular Biology Plants

Peter Roberts

Professor of Organization & Management; Academic Director of Specialty Coffee Programs, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Micro-Business Development Specialty Coffee Entrepreneurship Social Enterprise



Research Scientist & iNaturalist

Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation

Gerald A. Berkowitz, Ph.D.

Professor of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture · University of Connecticut

Expert on plant genetics, plant biotechnology, GMOs and public perception of GMOs.

Plant-Water Relations Ion Channels Landscape Architecture Photosynthesis Plant Physiology