Caitlin Elsaesser, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Elsaesser partners with communities to create health promotion efforts that are empowering, with a focus on youth violence prevention.

Technology and Interpersonal Violence Youth Violence Gun Violence Prevention Research Methodology Child and Adolescent Development

Jodi Short

Professor of Law, Honorable Roger J. Traynor Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-703-8205 / Office 310-200

Administrative Law Government Processes Labour and Environmental Standards Global Supply Chains Regulatory Reform

Dr Joseph Downing

Senior Lecturer, Politics, History and International Relations · Aston University

Professor Downing teaches courses on researching politics, security and technology in politics.

Qualitative Methods Sociology Global Security Politics Policy Analysis

Lance Hunter, PhD

Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Dr. Lance Hunter studies the connection between terrorism and political stability in democracies.

Politics Terrorism International Relations Voting Civil Liberties

Brian Cutler, Ph.D.

Media Psychology Program Director · Fielding Graduate University

Social Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Application of Media and Technology in Criminal Investigations, Expert Psychological Testimony

Social Influence False Confession Eyewitness Memory Expert Testimony

Erika V. Hall

Associate Professor of Organization & Management; Faculty Advisor, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Hall's research focuses on the influence of race, gender, and class-based stereotypes and implicit biases on workplace interactions.

Race and Gender Stereotyping Social Psychology Implicit Bias

Ann Mirabito, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Baylor University

Dr. Ann Mirabito's research focuses on stigma, healthcare service experience, consumer health and workplace wellness.

Stigmas of Mental Illness Stigma Economics Workplace Wellness Health Policy

Clark Freshman

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-581-8804 / Office 330-200

Civil Procedure Mediation Lie Detection Deception Emotion and Law

David Schweidel

Professor of Marketing & Goizueta Chair in Business Technology · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Marketing analytics expert focused on the opportunities at the intersection of marketing and technology

Marketing Technology AI Social Media Political Marketing Customer Analytics

Qinghua Yang

Assistant Professor · Texas Christian University

Qinghua Yang's expertise lies at the intersections of health, cross-cultural and computer-mediated communication.

Quantitative Research Methods New Media Health Communication Intercultural Communication

Thomas George

M.D./Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Thomas George is a medical oncologist and clinical investigator focusing on gastrointestinal malignancies and new cancer treatments.

HeforShe Gastrointestinal Cancer Immunotherapy Clinical Trials Cancer Therapy

My (Myla) Bui, Ph.D.

Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Neuroplasticity Social Marketing Public Policies Promoting Consumer Wellness Nutritional Labeling Healthcare Management & Innovation

Aidin Namin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Marketing Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Marketing Analytics Data Analytics Modeling Econometrics Retailing

Mia Moody-Ramirez, Ph.D.

Professor · Baylor University

Dr. Moody-Ramirez is a nationally known expert on mass media representations of minorities, women and other underrepresented groups

Race, Class, and Culture Pop Culture New Media Writing for Media Markets Historical Stereotypes in Social Media

Sean Valles

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

I study the interplay of ethics and scientific evidence in population health, including race and migration issues and climate change issues.

Philosophy of Population Health Race in Science Health Justice Climate Change Philosophy Population Health Ethics

Tracy Citeroni

Associate Professor of Sociology · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Citeroni's concern for social justice informs her research and teaching.

Community & International Development Sociology Public Sociology Social Advocacy Feminism & Gender Studies

Candi Cann, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core and Religion · Baylor University

Expert on death, dying and grief, diversity in death and the intersection of death and technology around the world

Death and Diversity Digital Death World Cultures World Religions Hispanic Bereavement Customs

Jill Perry-Smith

Professor of Organization & Management; Academic Director, The Roberto C. Goizueta Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Creativity and Innovation Informal Social Networks Work-Life Initiatives

Isaac Chun-Hai Fung

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Isaac Chun-Hai Fung is a digital health expert and an infectious disease epidemiologist.

Digital Health Outbreak Responses Epidemiology Infectious Disease Epidemiology Emergency Preparedness

Molly Babel

Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics · University of British Columbia

Associate Professor, Specializing in Language and Linguistics

Speech Intelligibility Phonetic Sciences Speech Accommodation Sociology and Speech Perception Accents