E. Alison Holman
Professor of Nursing · UC Irvine
E. Alison Holman studies the early post-event predictors of co-morbid trauma-related mental and physical health problems.
Physical health Acute Stress Acute Stress & Cardiovascular Disease Psychological Trauma Media Exposure
Connie Mulligan
Professor · University of Florida
Connie Mulligan is interested in understanding patterns of human genetic variation with implications for human health and evolution.
Syrian Refugees Impact of Stress Complex Phenotypes Influence of Genetics on Response to Trauma and Stress Epigenetic Analysis
Darlene Kertes
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Darlene Kertes’ research examines the role of life experiences and epigenetic processes on activity of stress-sensitive systems.
Antecedents Psychchology
Roxane Cohen Silver
Distinguished Professor of Psychological Science · UC Irvine
Roxane Cohen Silver studies stress, traumatic events, coping, disasters, health psychology and social psychology.
Health Psychology Stress Traumatic Events Coping Social Psychology