Cyndy Caravelis
Professor · Western Carolina University
Cyndy Caravelis's research interests include the relationship between social threat and social control, and minorities and crime.
Minorities and Crime Social Justice Criminology Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Policy
Catherine M. Grosso
Professor of Law · Michigan State University
Professor Grosso examines the role of race and other extralegal factors in criminal investigations and trials.
Capital Punishment Jury Selection and Race
Christopher Smith
Professor of Criminal Justice · Michigan State University
U.S. Supreme Court scholar whose specific interests include judicial policymaking, constitutional rights and prisoners' rights
Prisoners' Rights US Supreme Court Constitutional Rights
John L. Diamond
The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contact: / 415-565-4628 / Office M202-198
Tort Law Criminal Law Mass Media Law Defamation Law
Eric Freedman
Professor of Law · Hofstra University
Professor Freedman focuses on constitutional law and history, as well as the death penalty and habeas corpus
Constitutional Law First Amendment Law Death Penalty
Richard Franza, PhD
Faculty, James M. Hull College of Business · Augusta University
Dr. Richard M. Franza is a professor and former dean of the James M. Hull College of Business.
Management Operations Research Entreprenuership Intentional Leadership Higher Education Leadership
Barbara O'Brien
Professor of Law · Michigan State University
Professor O’Brien’s scholarship applies empirical methodology to legal issues.
Death Penalty Exoneration Criminal Law