Arthur Trembanis
Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Trembanis research focuses on understanding beaches for resilience and mapping the seafloor using robots to develop the Blue Economy.
Seafloor Mapping Coastal Erosion and Morphodynamics Hurricanes and Nor'easters Underwater Robots Shipwrecks
Christine Angelini
Associate Professor/Director · University of Florida
Christine Angelini is the founder and director of the Center for Coastal Solutions and is an expert in coastal ecosystems and restoration.
Water Quality Nature-based Solutions Coastal Engineering Coastal Ecology Coastal Resilience
James Reichard
Chair and Professor · Georgia Southern University
Professor Reichard focuses on applied hydrologic research on the Georgia coastal plain
Coastal Ecology Modelling Environmental Geology Geology Hydrogeology
Joshua Voss, Ph.D.
Associate Research Professor · Florida Atlantic University
Joshua Voss's areas of interest include coral reef ecology, coral health and disease, molecular ecology, marine conservation and management.
Coral Health and Disease Coral Reef Ecosystems Marine Conservation Molecular Ecology Coral Reef Ecology