Simon Garnier

Assistant Professor, College of Science and Liberal Arts · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Garnier focuses on the study of collective behaviors and swarm intelligence in natural and artificial systems

Biological Sciences Swarm Robotics Interdisciplinary Education Collective Behavior Swarm Intelligence

Michael Prietula

Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Human decision making AI-Human Collaboration UX Design‎ AI Ethics Computational Modeling of Individuals and Groups

Arni Rao, PhD

Director and Professor · Augusta University

Director of the Laboratory for Theory and Mathematical Modeling and professor at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.

Artifical Intelligence Infectious Disease Mathematical Analyses Complex Dynamics,

Jasmine Kerrissey

Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the Labor Center at UMass Amherst · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jasmine Kerrissey is an expert on labor movements, work and inequality

Worker Strikes Labor Studies Labor Movements Social Movements and Collective Behavior Political Sociology of Health