Channa R. De Silva

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Channa De Silva teaches chemistry and carries out research in the areas of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and computational chemistry.

General Chemistry Computational Chemistry Nanotechnology Biotechnology Inorganic Chemistry

Olexandr Isayev

Assistant Professor, Chemistry · Carnegie Mellon University

Olexandr Isayev's research focuses on solving fundamental chemical problems with machine learning, molecular modeling and quantum mechanics.

Theoretical Chemistry Computational Chemistry Machine Learning Cheminformatics Drug Discovery

Mimi Ito

Professor in Residence Informatics · UC Irvine

Mizuko Ito is a cultural anthropologist of technology use, focusing on children and youth's changing relationships to media.

Media and Communications Anthropology Children/Video Games Technology

Enrique (Erik) Blair, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering · Baylor University

An expert in low-power computing, molecular computing, and quantum-dot cellular automata.

Entropy Power Dissipation Low-power Computing Molecular Computing Finite-dimensional Quantum

Juan Perilla

Assistant Professor · University of Delaware

Juan Perilla develops physical and chemical based methodologies for the understanding of biological process related to life and disease

Computational Physics Computational Chemistry Data Science Machine Learning Molecular Virology

Hyung Kim

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Hyung Kim's research area is theoretical and computational chemistry.

Chemical Reactions and Spectroscopy in Solution Computer Simulations Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Green Solvents

Curt Breneman

Dean of the School of Science; Professor; Director, Rensselaer Exploratory Center for Cheminformatics Research (RECCR) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Specializes in the development of new molecular property descriptors and machine learning methods for physical and biochemical problems

Science Machine Learning Methods Chemical Biology Physical Organic and Computational Chemistry Chemistry

Jung Lee, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Jung Lee is an expert in bioinformatics, drug design and molecular modeling.

Molecular Modeling Computational Biology Chemistry Biomolecular Engineering Bioinformatics

Charles McGill, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. McGill is an assistant professor researching computational chemistry and machine learning.