Xiaoming Liu

MSU Foundation Professor · Michigan State University

Xiaoming Liu works on computer vision, machine learning, and biometrics, especially on face related analysis.

Deepfake Detection Biometrics Computer Vision Machine Learning Pattern Recognition

Richard J. Radke

Professor, Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Studies computer vision problems related to human-scale, occupant-aware environments

Radiotherapy Smart Lighting Social Signal Processing Video Processing Computer Vision

Martial Hebert

University Professor and Dean · Carnegie Mellon University

Martial Hebert performed research on interpreting 3D data from range sensors for obstacle detection and object recognition.

Robotics Autonomous Systems Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles Computer Vision Interpretation of Perception Data

Deva Ramanan

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Deva Ramanan's research interests span computer vision and machine learning, with a focus on visual recognition.

Human-Centered Robotics Human-Robot Collaboration Machine Learning Embedded in Systems Neurorobotics 3-D Vision and Recognition

Shaowen Xu

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Southern University

Shaowen Xu is an expert in Friction Stir Welding Processing, Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanofracture and Nanofailure.

Stress Analysis Material Behavior of Advanced Engineering Materials and Bio-materials Friction Stir Welding Processing Advanced Nanomaterials, Nanofracture and Nanofailure Transient Dynamics of Extreme Loads

Peter Christensen

Arthur Satz Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Art History · University of Rochester

Peter Christensen's specialization is modern architectural and environmental history of Germany, Central Europe and the Middle East.

Architectural design theory and history Critical Digital Humanities Historicism 19th Century Architectural History 20th Century Architectural History

Matthew Johnson-Roberson

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Johnson-Roberson's research goal is to develop robotic systems capable of operating in complex dynamic environments.

Folding Space Structures Robotic Vision 3D Reconstruction Artifical Intelligence Robotics/Autonomous Vehicles

Joshua Bard

Associate Professor and Associate Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Joshua Bard is an architectural educator conducting applied research at the intersection of construction culture and robotic technology.

Architectural Robotics Robotic Technology Computational Methods Sustainable Architecture Design

Anil Jain

University Distinguished Professor, Department of Computer Science · Michigan State University

Expert in biometrics (pattern recognition, computer vision and biometric recognition)

Pattern Recognition Computer Vision Biometrics Markov Random Fields Clustering Data

Michael D. Smith

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Michael D. Smith's research uses economic and statistical techniques to analyze firm and consumer behavior in online markets.

Streaming Digital Media Products Consumer Behavior Higher Education Policy

Josh Siegel

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Josh Siegel works across disciplines to develop “deep technologies” within the mobility sector.

Vehicle Diagnostics Cybersecurity Autonomous Vehicles Sensor Fusion Pervasive Sensing

Raheem Beyah

VP Interdisciplinary Research, professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Raheem Beyah is an expert in the intersection of the networking and security fields.

Energy Grid Security Network Security Cyber-physical systems security Privacy Network Monitoring and Performance

Venkat Margapuri, PhD

Assistant Professor, Computing Sciences · Villanova University

Dr. Margapuri researches in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for applications in agriculture and healthcare.

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Computer Vision Hardware Security Cyber Physical Systems

Allan Zarembski

Professor of Practice Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director, Railway Engineering and Safety Program · University of Delaware

Prof. Zarembski has expertise in railroad track engineering and railroad safety.

Railroad Track Engineering Railroad Safety Derailment Analysis Wheel-Rail Interaction Rail Inspection

Arash Tavakoli, PhD

Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering · Villanova University

Prof. Arash Tavakoli, Ph.D., leads the Human Centered Cities Lab, focusing on human factors, human-centered design, and transport safety.

Human Factors in Transportation Engineering Transportation Safety Human Centered Design Human Sensing Naturalistic Driving

Aleix Martinez

Professor | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · The Ohio State University

Engineering expert, with a penchant for affective computing and computer learning

Machine Learning Computer Science Pattern Recognition Computer Vision Computational Neuroscience

Nicola Rohrseitz

Technology Expert · Vissee — We are, We see

Founder, CEO at ViSSee

Robotics Start-Ups Biomimicry Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Innovation & Design Thinking

Hayder Radha

Professor and Associate Chair for Research · Michigan State University

Hayder Radha is an expert in autonomous vehicle research, coding and communications, image and video compression and image processing.

Autonomous Vehicles Subband Visual Content Representation Communications coding

Arthur Porto

Assistant Curator · University of Florida

Arthur Porto's research focuses on the development of AI tools for processing biodiversity data at scale.

Computer Vision Image analysis Artificial Intelligence AI Machine Learning

Yuichi Motai, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Virginia Commonwealth University.

System Safety Intelligent Systems with Adaptive Tracking Online Classification Methodologies Medical Imaging Pattern Recognition