Margo Crawford
President & CEO · Business Sherpa
A flood of applause! The Business Sherpa will lead you to higher ground with expertise in handling critical business priorities and HR needs
Human Resources and Management Corporate Transactions Contracts Management Corporate Governance Corporate Communications
Joel Lessem
CEO and Co-Founder · Firmex Inc.
This CEO has a firm grasp on data storage solutions that assist businesses and organizations in improving productivity
Cloud Computing and Data Storage Entreprenuership Start-Ups Social Enterprise Sales Presentations
Allison Kays
Associate Professor in the Practice of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Professor Kays’ loves to teach and discuss accounting, disclosure and tax policy
Financial Reporting Gaap Tax Disclosures Data Analytics Voluntary Disclosures
Lisa Faigman
Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contact: / 415-565-4622 / Office 627-200
Wrongful Convictions Forensic Evidence Women's Health and Aging Criminal Procedure Neuroscience and Law