Prashant Mali
President · Cyber Law Consulting
Cyber Law, Cyber Security & Privacy Law Expert Speaker
Cyber Law Cyber Crime Cyber Security Cyber Frauds Cyber War
Richard Hollis
Director · Risk Crew
Cyber Security Risk Management Speaker
AI Cybersecurity Social Engineering HIPPA IoT Security SOC 2
Seth Hamman, Ph.D.
Director, Center for the Advancement of Cybersecurity and Associate Professor of Cyber Operations and Computer Science · Cedarville University
Dr. Hamman is interested in helping to shape the young and growing discipline of cybersecurity education.
Cybersecurity Issues and Stories
Brendan D Saltaformaggio
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Dr. Brendan Saltaformaggio's lab investigates advanced cyber crimes and the analysis and prevention of next-generation malware attacks.
Mobile/IoT Security Binary Analysis and Instrumentation Cyber Forensics Computer Systems Security Memory Forensics