Margaret Ray

Chair and Professor of Economics · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Ray specializes in applied microeconomics and econometrics, industrial organization and regional economics.

Economics Econometrics Applied Microeconomics Economic Education Industrial Organizations and Antitrust

Robert Rycroft

Professor of Economics · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Rycroft focuses on the economics of inequality, poverty and discrimination.

Political Science Economic Analysis Editing Finance and Economics Political Economy

Thomas Smith

Professor in the Practice of Finance; Academic Director, Master of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Cultural Economics Economics of the Arts Economics of Sports Economics of Religion Urban and Real Estate Economics

Simon Medcalfe, PhD

Professor · Augusta University

Dr. Simon Medcalfe is an economist with an emphasis on sports economics, social determinants of health, and the local economy.

Community and Economic Development Social Determinants of Health Sports Economics

Sarah Marsden Greene

Lecturer, Economics · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

An economist focused on economics education and ecological economics of climate change policies.

Timber trade Environmental Economics and Policy Ecological Economics Economics Education

Peter G. Klein, Ph.D.

Professor of Entrepreneurship · Baylor University

Peter G. Klein is an economist who studies managerial and organizational issues, with a special interest in entrepreneurship and innovation

Entrepreneurship Innovation Diversification Vertical Coordination Public Policy

James Butkiewicz

Professor, Economics · University of Delaware

Prof. Butkiewicz specializes in policy analysis, financial crises, the Great Depression, and determinants of economic growth.

Economic Growth Economics Policy Analysis Monetary Theory History

Ron Duncan, M.S.

Management Senior Lecturer, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Project Management Economic Development

Sean Mulholland

Professor · Western Carolina University

Sean Mulholland research interests include human capital and economic growth, white supremacist groups and hate crimes.

Drunk Driving Hate Crimes Economic Growth White Supremacist Groups Student Performance