Fred Carstensen, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Fred Carstensen is an expert in the areas of public policy, economic history and economics.

Finance Public Policy Economic History Economics

Jon Gould

Dean · UC Irvine

Jon Gould is a distinguished scholar in justice policy, social change and government reform.

International Human Rights Hate Speech Indigent Defense Government Reform Justice Policy

Michael Faggella-Luby

Professor · Texas Christian University

Michael Faggella-Luby helps educators to implement methods and instructional materials for students with and without disabilities.

Implementation of Specific Evidence-based Pedagogies and Interventions Identification of Critical Systemic Variables Associated with School Reform and Intervention Implementation Secondary and Post-Secondary Education Learning Disabilities A Systematic Review of Assessment Tools for Higher Ed and Disability

Claudia Buchmann

Professor and Chair | Department of Sociology · The Ohio State University

Expert in gender, race and class from a sociological perspective.

Social Stratification Education Gender Race and Ethnicity Comparative and International Sociology

John Henson, MD

Professor of Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pediatrics · Augusta University

Dr. Henson practices neuro-oncology in the MCG Brain Tumor Program and manages patients with neurofibromatosis and related genetic disorders

Hereditary Cancer Neurofibromatosis Genetics Neuro-Oncology Spine Tumors

Shayne Piasta

Associate Professor | Teaching and Learning · The Ohio State University

Expert in reading and literacy in early and middle childhood education.

Child Development Early Childhood Education Childhood Literacy Literacy Reading and Literacy

James C. Kaufman, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Kaufman's research focuses on creativity and educational psychology.

Creativity and Personality Creativity and Equity Creativity and Meaning Creativity and Positive Psychology

Meredith Rausch, PhD

Associate Professor · College of Education

A leading expert in counselor education with research focusing on underserved populations, particularly LGBTQ+ individuals and women.

Counselor Education Veterans and Military Families LGBTQ+ Mentorship

Cary Roseth

Chairperson and Professor, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education · Michigan State University

Cary Roseth is interested in social development, peer relations, and social contextual influences on classroom achievement.

Early Childhood Education Classroom Achievement Counseling Educational Psychology Peer Relations

Dr Breno Nunes

Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Operations Management · Aston University

Dr Nunes investigates sustainability strategies, environmental decision making processes, and green technology management.

Sustainable Development Policies Green Technology Management Green Operations Sustainability Strategies Sustainable Production Systems and Supply Chains

Leigh McLean

Associate Research Professor, Education · University of Delaware

Prof. McLean investigates how teachers’ emotions and emotion-related experiences including well-being impact their effectiveness.

Developmental Psychology Instructional Practices Teachers and Teaching Well-Being Classroom Behavior

Jodi McDavid

Owner · McDavid Brodie Consulting

Public sector folklorist with experience in non-profits, higher education, museums and archives.

Folklore Cultural Practices University-Community Engagement Initiation Hazing

Dorothea Herreiner

Associate Professor of Economics · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Experimental/Behavioral Economics Environmental Economics Microeconomics Cultural Economics Faculty Development

Patrick Baron

Assistant Professor · Western Carolina University

Patrick Baron's work focuses on social and environmental determinants of health and disparity.

Social Determinants of Health Mixed-Methods Research and Study Design Environmental Health Sciences Epidemiology Community Health Disparities

Alessandro Acquisti

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Alessandro Acquisti’s research investigates the economics and behavioral economics of privacy, and privacy in online social networks.

AI Ethics Transition Economics Human-Agent Interaction Economics of Privacy Information Security

Roberta Golinkoff

Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Chair and Professor · University of Delaware

Prof. Golinkoff studies language development, playful learning, effects of media on children, spatial development, and applying her science.

Early Childhood Education Early Spatial Development Playful Learning Benefits of Play Effects of Media on Children

Nancy Jordan

Dean Family Endowed Chair of Education and Professor · University of Delaware

Prof. Jordan's work focused on how children learn to math and why so many struggle.

Child Development Mathematics Learning Difficulties Math Disabilities Number Sense Interventions

Dr. David Conn

Vice-President, Education ; Director, Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange · Baycrest

An expert and author specializing in training psychiatric and behavioral problems encountered by medical and non-medical staff.

Geriatric Psychiatry Aging and Depression Geriatrics

Michael A. Posner, PhD

Professor of Statistics and Data Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics · College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | Villanova University

Michael Posner, PhD, PStat®, is an expert on statistical analysis for medical and health care data, including Medicare overpayment.

Data Science Statistics Education Methods Observational Studies Biostatistics Statistics

Edward Guinan, PhD

Professor of Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Edward Guinan, PhD, an expert in astronomy and space science research explores the sun, stars, planets, extraterrestrial life potential.

Severe & Hazardous Weather / Global Warming Interstellar Travel Potential Pulsating Stars and Stellar Evolution Exoplanets and the Suitability of Exoplanets for Life Astrobiology/Exobiology