Don Duke, Ph.D., P.E.
Expert in water resources and pollution control · Florida Gulf Coast University
Don Duke applies science and engineering analysis to policy and management decisions.
Municipal stormwater pollution reduction Industrial stormwater pollution reduction Flood mitigation policy Water Resources Policy Water quality assessment
Saleem Ali
Professor of Energy and the Environment Geography and Spatial Sciences; Biden School of Public Policy and Administration · University of Delaware
Prof. Ali's research examines the causes and consequences of environmental conflicts.
Environmental Health Environmental Policy Environmental Planning Health and Safety
David Keellings
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
David Keellings focuses on climate extremes, driving physical mechanisms, and the influence of climate change versus natural variability.
AI Drought Climate Extremes Heat Waves Rainfall
Jeffrey Bielicki
Assistant Professor | Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering | John Glenn College of Public Affairs · The Ohio State University
Energy sustainability expert, focusing on the intersection of energy, environment, economics and policy
Consequences of energy development Evolution of Energy Systems Applied Energy Energy Policy
Dr Phil Porter
Reader in Geoscience and Geoscience Education · University Alliance
Phil studies the response of glaciers to a warming world. He’s led expeditions to some of the last true wilderness areas on our planet.
Meltwater Global Warming Geoscience Glaciers Ice Sheets
Ryan Sullivan
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Ryan Sullivan's research includes developing aircraft-deployable analytical instrumentation to characterize particles in the atmosphere.
Water Treatment Phase Transitions Environmental Systems Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Air Quality
Granger Morgan
University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Granger Morgan's research addresses problems in science, technology and public policy.
Quantitative Policy Analysis Risk Analysis Environmental Systems Climate Change Adoption of New Technologies
Rachel Adams
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Water Quality and Sustainability Aquatic Chemistry Environmental Systems Sediment Contamination Passive Sampling Development
Robin Cox
Research Director and Professor · ResilienceByDesign Research Lab and Royal Roads University
Robin Cox's expertise includes the psychosocial dimensions of disasters, disaster resilience, and traumatic stress and coping.
Resilience Higher Education Community Resilience Disaster Psychosocial Response Stress and Coping
Yan Wang
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Yan Wang's expertise lies at the intersection of urban resilience and urban analytics.
Spatial Planning Applied AI Climate Adaptation Risk Communication Crisis Informatics