Joseph Hellige
Professor Emeritus | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Research Methods for Consumers Left- and Right-Handedness Human Cognition Brain Asymmetry Cognitive Neuroscience
Stephen Zepf
Professor of Astronomy and Physics · Michigan State University
Stephen Zepf's research is focused the areas of black holes, neutron stars in globular clusters, and globular clusters
Globular Clusters Black Holes Intergalactic Astronomy
Sarah Teetzel
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies and Associate Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management · University of Manitoba
Dr. Sarah Teetzel’s research focuses on applied ethical issues in sport with emphasis on the intersection of rules and values.
Gender in sport Doping and drug testing in sport Olympic studies Philosophy and ethics of sport
Vera Gorbunova
Doris Johns Cherry Professor Professor of Biology and Co-Director of the Rochester Aging Research Center · University of Rochester
Gorbunova's innovative research on DNA repair and the aging process has been internationally recognized
Lifespan Human Development Longevity Biology of Aging DNA Repair Cancer Resistance
Jung Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Jung Lee is an expert in bioinformatics, drug design and molecular modeling.
Molecular Modeling Computational Biology Chemistry Biomolecular Engineering Bioinformatics
Mitch Lieberman
Vice President, Market Strategy · Comity Technology Advisors
A passionate speaker, focusing on the intersection of Customer Experience, Customer Service Experience and CRM (often called Social CRM)
Social Crm Customer Service Excellence Multi-Channel Customer Service
Rick Relyea
Director, Darrin Fresh Water Institute; Director, Jefferson Project; & David M. Darrin ’40 Senior Endowed Chair · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Researches community ecology, ecotoxicology, phenotypic plasticity, forest inputs to wetlands, disease ecology, and invasive species
Aquatic Ecosystems Animal Disease Ecology Animal Behavior Evolution Ecology
Samuel Redman
Professor of History and Director of Public History Program · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sam Redman is best known for his work on the history of museums, especially the history of anthropology and archaeology.
History of Museums Public History Oral History Historical Research Methodology Memory and Cultural Heritage
Alison Barth
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Alison Barth's work focuses on understanding how experience transforms the properties of neurons to encode memory.
Research Design Neural Plasticity Biophysics Neuroscience
Susan Nabeth Moore
Customer Success Leader & Founder · Success Track Enterprise
Sue is an active member of the Customer Success movement in Europe.
Business Strategy Management Team Management Change Management Consulting
Michael Prietula
Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Human decision making AI-Human Collaboration UX Design AI Ethics Computational Modeling of Individuals and Groups
Mark Voit
Professor of Astronomy · Michigan State University
Mark Voit is an expert in galaxy clusters and how their growth reflects the evolution of the universe as a whole.
Galaxies Astronomy Astrophysics
Kimberley Pickett
Principal and Creative Director · KIMBO Design
Creative Principal of award-winning design firm, KIMBO Design Inc., based in Vancouver, B.C.
Design Graphic Design Marketing & Advertising Marketing & Branding Online Advertising
Professor Deveral Capps
Dean of School · Leeds Beckett University
As an expert in Quality Assurance, Professor Deveral Capps has a deep understanding of academic quality and assurance processes.
Quality Assurance Legal Skills Legal Education eCommerce Law
Sandra Pavelka, Ph.D.
Expert in political science and justice · Florida Gulf Coast University
Sandra Pavelka is an expert in elections, law and public policy, and juvenile and restorative justice.
Campaigns Elections Public Policy Restorative Justice Voting
Huajin Wang
Senior Librarian · Carnegie Mellon University
Huajin Wang leads innovative initiatives that help to create a culture change towards a more open and reproducible research landscape.
Data Collaboration Open Science Biomedical Data AI-Readiness of Research Data
Ken Catania
Stevenson Professor of Biological Sciences · Vanderbilt University
Expert on sensory systems' impact on animal behavior, particularly naked mole rats, star-nosed moles, cockroaches and eels.
spatial maps rodents Biological Sciences neural processing mammals
Rodrigo Spínola, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · VCU College of Engineering
Dr. Spínola conducts research in the areas of software engineering, empirical soft. engineering, and technical debt in software projects.
Software Quality Technical Debt Software Engineering Software Evolution Empirical Software Engineering
Roberto Joseph
Associate Professor of Teaching, Learning and Technology · Hofstra University
Specialist in Technology in the Classroom
Educational Technology Gaming and App Development as a K-12 Teaching Tool Culture, Learning and Technology
Theodore Arapis, PhD
Associate Professor and Chair of Public Administration | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Theodore Arapis, PhD, focuses on local government financial management and budgeting, fiscal performance measurement and transparency.
Public Administration Fiscal Transparency & Accountability School District Financing Budgeting Public Finance