Rich Rorem
Principal and U.S. Finance Transformation Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP · Deloitte Services LLP
Need a whole new look? Outfit your organization with a mindset for sustainable growth & success with Deloitte's renaissance business leader
Finance Transformation Organizational Design International Financial Reporting Standards Enterprise Cost Management
Sam Silvers
Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP · Deloitte Services LLP
It's not magic, just good sense! Deloitte LLP's wizard of finance transformation has the insight and experience your organization requires
Finance Transformation Role of the Cfo
Sam Divine Jr
CEO · Cross Atlantic Business Advisors, LLC
Consultant, Engaging Speaker, and Author
International Marketing: Traps to Avoid International Money-Saving Tips Finance Transformation for Innovation Finance for Non-Financial Executives Personal Branding: 5 Steps to Building A Door-Opening Brand
Bob Comeau
Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP · Deloitte Services LLP
You spent how much? A Chief Financial Officers best friend is Deloitte LLP's specialist in the area of service line finance strategy
Finance Operations Finance Strategy Integrated Performance Management