Wayne Roberts
principal · Will Work for Food Policy
engaging speaker; expert on food issues ; connects local food, jobs, health and environment
Local Food Production Sustainable Food Green Jobs Food Charters Community Organizing & Development
Marlene Schwartz, Ph.D.
Director, Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health (Principal Investigator); Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies · University of Connecticut
Dr. Schwartz specializes in school wellness and nutrition programs, and food insecurity.
Food Pantries School Food SNAP School Food Options Nutrition
Frances Fleming-Milici, PhD
Director of Marketing Initiatives, Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health · University of Connecticut
Dr. Fleming-Milici's work focuses on analyzing the impact of marketing practices on exposure and consumption of unhealthy food and beverages
Food marketing and childhood obesity Food Marketing and Policy Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing Strategy
Rebecca Puhl, Ph.D.
Deputy Director, Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health; Professor, Human Development and Family Studies · University of Connecticut
Clinical psychology expert, specializing in the study of bullying and weight stigmatization
Weight Discrimination Weight Stigma Weight-based bullying
Professor Louisa Ells
Professor of Obesity · Leeds Beckett
Louisa has specialised in applied obesity research for the past two decades.
Obesity Nutrition Public Health Weight Management
Lisa F. Clark
Research Associate · University of Saskatchewan
Political Scientist researching food politics and food policy
Food Agriculture & Environment Public Policy Analysis Governance & Regulation Innovation Food Safety and Security
Steffanie Scott
Professor, Department of Geography & Environmental Management · University of Waterloo
Leading international scholar on food security, food system change, and COVID-19 impacts on the food suppy.
Food Agriculture & Environment COVID-19 (Coronavirus) China Food Policy Local Food Systems
Roger Thurow
Senior Fellow · The Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Pulitzer prize finalist with a wealth of experience writing about global food issues, hunger, poverty and international affairs
Africa Food Policy Agriculture Poverty Transmedia
Jeremy Everett, D.Min.
Founder and Executive Director, Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty · Baylor University
National voice on scalable solutions to end hunger through partnerships, research, innovative models and collaboration
Poverty Hunger Policy National Hunger Issues Food Insecurity Food Policy
Surupa Gupta
Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Gupta is an expert on Indian politics and economics, international political economy, gender and development, and South Asian politics.
Indian Politics and Economics International Political Economy Politics of Economic Development South Asian Politics Global Economic Governance
Allison Karpyn
Associate Professor, Education; Senior Associate Director, Center for Research in Education and Social Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Karpyn can speak to topics such as obesity, food policy and community nutrition.
Farmer’s Markets Supermarket Access Obesity Food Insecurity Public Health
David Ortega
Professor and Noel W. Stuckman Chair in Food Economics and Policy · Michigan State University
David Ortega researches the decision making processes of consumers to better inform food policies and marketing strategies.
Experimental Economics Agricultural Development Economics Food Supply Inflation
Gina Jarman Hill
Professor & Department Chair · Texas Christian University
Dr. Hill's interests include food security, sustainability, urban agriculture and community nutrition education.
Urban Agriculture Food Waste Hunger Food Security Sustainability