Anatoly Zhuplev, Ph.D.
Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Russia International Business International Entrepreneurship International Development
Dr Oleksandr Shepotylo
Senior Lecturer, Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship · Aston University
Dr Shepotylo seeks to answer the question of how do firms, industries, and countries grow by integrating into global markets.
Spatial Economics Productivity International Trade HB Economic Theory Trade Policy
Diana Laboy-Rush
STEM Education Consultant · AuthenticSTEM
Engineering Instructor, STEM Education Consultant, Writer, and Speaker
Gender Equity Service-Based Learning STEM Education Global Competitiveness Innovation
Raj Rajkumar
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Raj Rajkumar researches ways to safely bring your vehicle to life with information technology.
Wired/Wireless Networking Cyber-Physical Systems Autonomous Driving Embedded and Real-Time Systems
Sara Perry, Ph.D.
Ben Williams Professor in Management; Professor of Management · Baylor University
Dr. Perry researches management-related topics, including remote work, negotiation, employee stress and health, innovation and leadership.
Work From Home WFH Great Resignation Industrial and Organizational Psychology Management
Doug Williamson
President and Chief Executive Officer · The Beacon Group
A bold thinker and dynamic speaker, with extensive global experience, who can provide unique insights into today's business challenges.
Megatrends & Seismic Shifts - Coping With the New Reality Leading Through Chaos & Disruption Innovation & Design Thinking Global Leadership in A Modern World Science of Strategic Thinking