Isabella Velicogna
Professor, Earth System Science, Physical Sciences Associate Dean Graduate Studies, Equity and Inclusion · UC Irvine
Isabella Velicogna is a Professor of Earth System Sciences and a Faculty Part time at NASA/Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Physical Climate Sea Level Rise GRACE Satellite Climate Change
Robert M. DeConto
Professor of and Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences and Director of the School of Earth and Sustainability · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rob DeConto is one of the world's leading experts on modeling polar ice sheets, sea level rise and ocean response to climate change.
Ice Sheets and Sea Level Antarctica Glaciology Climatology Earth System Modeling
Emma "Mickey" MacKie
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Mickey MacKie uses geophysical observations and machine learning techniques to study the topography, geology and hydrology of glaciers.
Cryosphere Research Glaciology Topography, geology and hydrology of Glaciers Machine Learning Glaciers
Julie Brigham-Grette
Professor of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Julie Brigham-Grette is an internationally-renowned expert on the Arctic’s climate history and sea-level rise.
Polar climate Arctic Science Sedimentology Glaciology Geological Mapping
Dr Phil Porter
Reader in Geoscience and Geoscience Education · University Alliance
Phil studies the response of glaciers to a warming world. He’s led expeditions to some of the last true wilderness areas on our planet.
Meltwater Global Warming Geoscience Glaciers Ice Sheets
Eric Rignot
Distinguished Professor and Chair, Earth System Science · UC Irvine
Dr. Rignot works to understand the interactions of glaciers and climate and what effects they will have on global sea levels.
Ice Sheet Dynamics and Mass Balance Climate Change Glaciology Radar
Amanda M. Grannas, PhD
Vice Provost for Research; Professor, Department of Chemistry · Villanova University
Amanda Grannas, PhD in an expert in the study of snow and ice photochemistry, and the fate of organic pollutants in the Arctic.
Climate Change Environmental Chemistry Atmospheric Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Snow and Ice Chemistry
Carlos Moffat
Associate Professor, School of Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Moffat specializes in the dynamics of the coastal ocean in Antarctica, and how this region responds and contributes to climate change.
ocean circulation Polar Oceanography Ice-Ocean Interactions
Dr. PANKAJ DHUSSA (- Ph.D. & Sc.D. -)
Research Scientist & iNaturalist
Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation
Brian Gunter
Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Brian Gunter's research activities involve various aspects of spacecraft missions and their applications.
Flight Mechanics and Control Systems Design and Optimization