April Kloxin

Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering · University of Delaware

Prof. Kloxin's research group seeks to design responsive materials for tissue regeneration.

Stimuli-Responsive Materials Biomaterials 3D Cell Culture Tissue Engineering Drug Delivery

Carmel Majidi

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Carmel Majidi’s mission is to discover materials and methods that allow robots and machines to behave like soft biological organisms.

Soft Robotics Medical Device Manufacturing Wearable Robotics Medical Devices Advanced Manufacturing

John Dorgan

Inaugural David L. and Denise M. Lamp Endowed Chair in Chemical Engineering at Michigan State University · Michigan State University

Expert in polymeric materials and composites (emphasis on wind turbine composite materials)

Fiber Reinforced Plastics Polymers from Renewable Resources Soft Materials

Yeongseon Jang

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Yeongseon Jang specializes in designing and developing advanced supramolecular biomaterials through biomacromolecular self-assembly.

Biomacromolecules Biomolecular Engineering Soft Matter Self-Assembly Biomimetics

Pankaj Karande

Associate Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Focuses on engineering peptides as novel drugs, drug carriers, affinity agents, and biomaterials for medical applications

Diagnostics Vaccine Design Drug Delivery Drug Discovery Peptide Engineering