Joseph E. Trainor
Interim Dean and Professor, Biden School of Public Policy & Administration · University of Delaware
Can discuss behavioral responses to disasters, including household risk management and decision making about warnings and evacuation orders.
Public and organizational behavior in disasters Disaster Mitigation Smart Warning Systems Mobile Warning Systems Disaster Warning Systems
Andrea Lekushoff
President and Founder · Broad Reach Communications
Award-winning PR agency leader with a track record of building strong reputations and delivering business results
How to Use Pr to Drive Business Results Lifestyle-Driven Teams: A New Paradigm for Professional Services Firms
Manny Padda
Founder · New Avenue Capital
Manny Padda is an entrepreneur, angel investor, and philanthropist based in Vancouver, B.C. A self-made entrepreneur.
Sylvia Wong
Senior Lecturer and Programme Director for MSc Computer Science · Aston University
Sylvia Wong is a Computer Scientist with strong interest in promoting student learning through Technology Enhanced Learning and Assessment.
Data Modelling Technology Enhanced Learning and Assessment Computer Science Education Knowledge Representation
Neil Kelley
Course Director · Leeds Beckett
Neil Kelley specialises in marketing communications, with a strong focus on digital marketing and planning.
Social Media Marketing Advertising Media
Marla Sokolowski
University Professor, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology · University of Toronto
Sokolowski's work is esteemed worldwide as a clear, integrative paragon of the manner in which genes can interact with the environment.
Genetics Molecular Biology Scientific Writing Higher Education Public Speaking
Frederick Lambert
Emeritus Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contact: 415.565.4617 /
Training of Law Firm Associates Fiduciary Duty Securities Securities Regulation Business Organizational Law
Jarrad Henderson
Artist in Residence · Michigan State University
Jarrad Henderson is a respected industry leader who seeks to democratize journalism by empowering diverse voices to share their stories.
Photojournalism Visual Storytelling Documentary Filmmaking
Clark Freshman
Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-581-8804 / Office 330-200
Civil Procedure Mediation Lie Detection Deception Emotion and Law
Clint Waasted
Negotiation Team Program Director and Lecturer in Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Mediation Alternative Dispute Resolution Intellectual Property Licensing Negotiation
Fr. Richard Rolfs, S.J. (1923 - 2022)
Emeritus Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University
Richard Rolfs is a specialist on the history of the Third Reich, the Holocaust and the roots of anti-Semitism.
The Holocaust History of the Third Reich Anti-Semitism
Richard Petty
Professor | Department of Psychology · The Ohio State University
Distinguished psychologist, revolutionizing understanding of prejudice, consumer choice, political and legal decisions, and health behavior
Social Psychology Attitudes & Persuasion Social Cognition Decision-Making
Kim (Kiki) Keating
Public and Media Relations Expert · The Brytemoore Group
Recognized expert in brand and communications strategy for higher education and corporate executives. Co-Founder of the MaKi Network.
Strategic Communications Media Strategy Brand Awareness Reputation Management Higher Education
Jerome Jewell
Founder/President · Jewell Consulting Group
Founder - Jewell Consulting Group - Strategic Advisor
Organizational Effectiveness Inspiring People to Achieve Uncommon Results
Ken Altenbach
Owner · Kenny A. Enterprises
Unusual style of speaking. Movtivational speaker that uses stories to captivate audiences of all ages.
Leadership Development Team Building Training Effective Communications
LaMonica Moore
Director of Regional Expansion- Corporate Vacation Benefits Division · LaMonica Moore Enterprise
Purpose Monetization Strategist & Founder of Expertize Your Brand: Ultimate Brand Bootcamp
Entrepreneurship Public Speaking Organizational Leadership
Gabriele Varieschi
Chair and Professor of Physics · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
General Relativity and Cosmology Gravitational Physics Physics and Astronomy Particle Physics and Astrophysics Alternative Theories of Gravity
Eric Perlman, Ph.D.
Professor | Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences · Florida Tech
Dr. Perlman is an observational astrophysicist whose research concentrates on the nuclei of galaxies.
James Webb Space Telescope Galactic Activity Galactic Nuclei Astrophysics Black Holes
Peter Frampton
President · Accounting Comes Alive
Engaging and unusual speaker who brings financial topics to life for ordinary folk
Financial Literacy and Corporate Financial Communication Corporate Financial Leadership Business Acumen Comes Alive Auditing Financial Statements Business Acumen