Channa R. De Silva
Associate Professor · Western Carolina University
Channa De Silva teaches chemistry and carries out research in the areas of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and computational chemistry.
General Chemistry Computational Chemistry Nanotechnology Biotechnology Inorganic Chemistry
Joseph Krajcik
Professor and Director of the CREATE for STEM Institute · Michigan State University
Expert in K-16 teaching practices, focusing on the promotion of student engagement and learning in science
Designing Science Learning Environments Science Education Project-Based Learning
Sarah Teetzel
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies and Associate Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management · University of Manitoba
Dr. Sarah Teetzel’s research focuses on applied ethical issues in sport with emphasis on the intersection of rules and values.
Gender in sport Doping and drug testing in sport Olympic studies Philosophy and ethics of sport
Katherine Wikoff, Ph.D.
Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Katherine Wikoff focuses her work on user experience, technical communication, humanities and literature.
User Experience Technical Communication Humanities Literature Higher Education
Kali Kniel
Professor, Microbial Food Safety · University of Delaware
Prof. Kniel’s laboratory explores issues of food safety and public health that involve transmission of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
Food Systems Pathogenic Bacteria Food Safety Public Health Microorganisms
Subha Das
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Subha Das has helped developed conditions for click-chemistry for the rapid modification and functionalization of DNA and RNA.
Nanotechnology RNA Biochemistry Organic Synthesis Future of Science Nucleic Acids Chemistry
Tony Pellegrini
Department Chair of Teacher Education/Professor of Education · Southern Utah University
Specializing in online learning strategies in higher education, asynchronous learning, and web-based instructional tools
Information and Technology in Education Family and Parent Involvement in Education Higher Education Leadership Online Learning Strategies in Higher Education Higher Education
Emily Fisher
Professor · Loyola Marymount University
Department of Specialized Programs in Professional Psychology
Counseling Children & Adolescents School Supports for LGBTQ Youth Positive Psychology Solution-Focused Brief Counseling Multicultural Counseling
Charlene Senn
Professor of Psychology and Women's and Gender Studies · University of Windsor
Dr. Charlene Senn's research centres primarily on male violence against women with a focus on sexual violence interventions.
Women's and Gender Studies Violence Against Women Sexual Violence and Campus Interventions Male Violence Against Women Applied Social Psychology
Bernadette Musetti
Professor of Urban and Environmental Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Teacher Preparation English Language Learners & Specially Designed Instruction Education Reform Professional Learning for Schools and Districts
James C. Kaufman, Ph.D.
Professor · University of Connecticut
Dr. Kaufman's research focuses on creativity and educational psychology.
Creativity and Personality Creativity and Equity Creativity and Meaning Creativity and Positive Psychology
Casey Call
Associate Director of the KPICD and Associate Professor of Professional Practice · Texas Christian University
Dr. Casey Call is the Assistant Director at the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development
Therapeutic Family Camps Trauma-Informed Classrooms & Schools Caregiver & Child Attachment Developmental Trauma & Intervention Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®)
A.B. Osborne
Assistant Professor of Animation in Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Department of Art and Design · Augusta University
A.B. Osborne is an expert in the the field of animation working in everything from classic cartoons to technical and medical animation.
Motion Graphics Technical and Medical Visualization Animation 3D Modeling Virtual and Augmented Reality
Paula Winke
Inaugural Arts & Letters Professor · Michigan State University
Paula Winke's primary research is on foreign and second language assessment.
Second Language Assessment Task-based Materials Design Second Language Acquisition Language Test Reliability Task-based Language Assessment
Steven Gold
Professor · Michigan State University
An expert on immigrants and migration.
Ethnic Entrepreneurs Ethnic Economies Immigration International Migration
Allison Sekuler
Associate Vice President and Dean, Graduate Studies · McMaster University
Dr. Sekuler is a Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour with expertise is in vision, aging, higher education, & diversity issues.
Aging Face and Object Recognition Perceptual Organization Pattern Vision Motion Perception
Charles "Billy" Gunnels, Ph.D.
Expert in animal behavior and urban ecology · Florida Gulf Coast University
Billy Gunnels examines the interaction between humans and animals.
Animal Behavior Urban Ecology Wildlife Ecology Biological Stats Wasps
Kadence Otto
Professor · Western Carolina University
Kadie Otto's research centers on ethical, social and legal issues in sport with specific attention to NCAA corruption and reform.
NCAA Corruption and Reform Risk Management Sport Ethics Sport Law Global Sport and Culture
Jayson Matlock
Deputy Chief Student Financial Aid Officer · Southern Utah University
Specializing in scholarships and financial aid, financial wellness and literacy, and college student support
FAFSA Financial Aid Administration Recruiting in Higher Education Scholarships and Financial Aid Higher Education Leadership
William Hatcher, PhD, MPA
Chair of the Department of Social Sciences · Augusta University
Dr. William Hatcher focuses on public administration and social, economic and political institutions in local communities.
Public Administration Public Policy Community and Economic Development Health Policy Public Budgeting and Finance