Heidi Hardt
Associate Professor of Political Science · UC Irvine
Hardt is an expert on NATO, international organizations, defense, security, military ops and gender. www.heidihardt.com
Defense Organizational Change Military Operations US Foreign Policy International Organizations
David Julian McClements
Distinguished Professor of Food Science · University of Massachusetts Amherst
D. Julian McClements is the most highly cited food scientist in the world, known for his leading research on plant-based food.
Plant-based Food Food Science Food Nanotechnology Food Architecture
Debanjan (Deb) Mitra, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing · University of Connecticut
Professor Mitra is an expert in innovation and new product management, the customer experience.
Product Management Brand Strategies Marketing Strategy Product Development and Commercialization
James "Jay" Clugston
Professor/Team Physician · University of Florida
Dr. Jay Clugston's expertise in non-operative sports medicine, with specific expertise in concussion management.
Concussion management Concussion Biomarkers Sickle Cell Trait in Athletes Sports Related Concussion Heat Illness
Philip La Duke
Safety Iconoclast & Culture Transformation Architect · ERM
One of the most informative, entertaining, and engaging speakers you're likely to ever find
Talent & Gamification Talent Management Cross generational training and management Planning Corporate Culture
Crystal Marull
Lecturer · University of Florida
Crystal Marull's research is in bilingualism and second language acquisition.
Distance/Online Learning Pedagogy Second Language Pedagogy Heritage Language Acquisition Education Second Language Processing
Brenda Spotton Visano
University Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies · York University
Spotton Visano engages a variety of research methods to examine ways to improve access to basic financial services for low income Canadians.
Financial Literacy Economic Literacy Social Justice Financial Education Community Outreach
Dr Alan Dunn
Reader · Leeds Beckett
Alan Dunn's research explores new models for curating content for non-gallery audiences.
Speech and Language Therapy Literature COVID-19 Art Dementia
Simon Medcalfe, PhD
Professor · Augusta University
Dr. Simon Medcalfe is an economist with an emphasis on sports economics, social determinants of health, and the local economy.
Community and Economic Development Social Determinants of Health Sports Economics
Rudy Mondragón
Assistant Professor of Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Political Economy Sport and Society Chicana and Chicano Studies Sport and Labor Ethnography
Srinivas Rao
Social Media Producer (freelance) · BlogcastFM
Blogger, Author, Social Media Speaker, Content Strategist and Audience Development Specialist
Audience Development Digital Storytelling Podcasting Blogging Content Strategy
Roger C. Park
Distinguished Professor of Law and James Edgar Hervey Chair in Litigation · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: parkr@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4632 / Office 307-200
Scientific Methods and Trial Objections Evidence Scholarship Evidence Law Civil Procedure Scientific Method for Lawyers
John Meisner
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education/Director COEHD Accreditation · Southern Utah University
Specializing in content area literacy, LGBTQ+ advocacy, and second language and curriculum development
Data Driven Instruction in Education LGBTQ+ Suicide in Utah Educator Preparation Education Second Language and Curriculum Development
Johannes DeYoung
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Johannes DeYoung is an internationally recognized artist and filmmaker who works at the intersection of computational & material processes.
Animation Art Future of Work Design Cinema
Omar A. Khan, M.D., MHS, FAAFP
Enterprise Chief Scientific Officer · ChristianaCare
Dr. Omar Khan is the enterprise chief scientific officer and vice president of research administration and scientific affairs.
Global Health Medical Education Public Health Medical Writing Healthcare Leadership
Douglas Downey
Professor | Department of Sociology · The Ohio State University
Expert in social stratification, education and family.
Gender, Class, & Race Family
Dan McCole
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
An expert on tourism, wine tourism, and social entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneruship Wine Tourism Tourism Sustainable Tourism Social Enterprise
Farha Abbasi
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry · Michigan State University
Farha Abbasi's areas of interest are cultural psychiatry and teaching how to provide culturally appropriate care to Muslim patients.
Muslim Mental Health Muslim American Community
Marisa Smith
Assistant Professor of Advertising and Public Relations · Michigan State University
Marisa Smith's research investigates news disseminated in digital environments and the sociopolitical influence of these messages.
Race Social Media Crime News Politics Activism
Michael Stoner
Co-Founder & President · mStoner
A consultant advising #highered on digital strategy, online marketing, social media, student recruiting, building affiliations, fundraising.
Strategic Communications Web Content Management Integrated Marketing Marketing Strategy Web Development