M. Brent Donnellan
Chair, Department of Psychology · Michigan State University
An expert in personality traits, personality assessment, personality development, and research practices in the psychological sciences.
Relationships Personality Disorders Personalities Temperament
Rosanna Perotti
Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University
Professor Perotti's expertise is in American politics, including Congress, elections and political parties.
American Politics Congress Media and Politics American Political Parties American Elections
Wujie Zhang, Ph.D.
Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Wujie Zhang is an expert in biomaterials, tissue engineering, stem cell-based medicine, micro/nanotechnology, and drug delivery.
Biomaterials Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Micro/Nano-technology Drug Delivery Stem Cell Research
Keith Sanford, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience · Baylor University
Dr. Sanford studies interpersonal relationships, married couples and the development of assessment instruments.
Psychometrics Firefighters Parents who have Children with Medical Conditions Couples and Power Couples and Conflict
Stephen Spates
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Stephen A. Spates is a researcher specializing in exploring the source credibility of online messages.
Health Environments Workplace Diversity Programs Organizational Communication
Nedra Cossa
Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University
Nedra Cossa researches children’s writing practices, teacher preparation, and professional development schools
Professional Development Schools Family contribution to children's writing process Young children's writing practices Instructional writing practices for pre-service teachers Teacher Preparation
Jeffrey Wooldridge
University Distinguished Professor of Economics · Michigan State University
Expert in education financing, econometrics, and longitudinal data analysis
Longitudinal Data Analysis Educational Financing Econometrics
Aman Yadav
Lappan-Phillips Professor of Computing Education · Michigan State University
An expert in STEM education, with a specific focus on computer science and engineering education
Teacher Professional Development Case-based Instruction Computer Science Education STEM Education Engineering Education
Vincent Coletta
Professor of Physics · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Physics Theoretical Physics Higher Education Teaching Physics Education Research
Frederick Morgeson
Professor of Management · Michigan State University
Expert in leadership, recruiting and hiring, job analysis and design, talent management, and organizational psychology
Job Analysis and Design Team Leadership and Performance Recruiting and Hiring Human Resource Management Talent Management
Andrew Smyk
Coordinator, Interactive Multimedia Graduate Certificate · Sheridan College
Coordinator, Interactive Multimedia at Sheridan College
Curriculum Design Instructional Design Mobile Design
Chris Keller
Lecturer of Journalism · Loyola Marymount University
Journalism Javascript Data Analysis Python Programming
Negin Ghavami
Associate Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Gender Intersectionality School based research Race/ethnicity Psychology of Gender & Diversity
Radenka Maric, Ph.D.
University President · University of Connecticut
Dr. Maric researches novel materials for fuel cell & battery manufacturing, nanomaterials, sensors, hydrogen generation & biofuels.
Sustainable Energy Technologies Nanomaterials Engineering Sensors Sustainable Energy Manufacturing
Brit McKay
Associate Dean of Students & External Affairs · Georgia Southern University
Professor McKay's research focuses on the use of expert systems in designing decision aids and recent developments in taxation
Accounting Information Systems International Accounting Issues Decision Aids Taxation International Accounting
Kenneth A. Frank
Professor of Measurement and Quantitative Methods · Michigan State University
Kenneth A. Frank studies how roles and relationships among teachers affect classroom practices and school decision-making.
causal inference and education research methods Social networks among teachers and the impact of social dynamics in schools adolescent decision-making in social contexts
Leigh Potvin
Assistant Professor, Community Studies · Cape Breton University
Educator, activist, academic. Interests: straight privilege, urban farming, backyard chickens, fat activism & active transportation.
gender studies (feminism) Queer Theory Privilege in Society White Privilege straight privilege
Gail E. Thomas, PhD
Professor of Sociology · Soka University
Professor Thomas is a sociology professor who specializes in the analysis of higher education.
Mentoring and Empowering Youth Race, Class and Gender Differences in Educational Access and Outcomes Education and Status Attainment Effective Education for Diverse Learners and At Risk Youth Race and Gender Relations
Fabrizio Poli
Founder · Orville Aviation
Aviation Entrepreneur, Jet Captain, Author & Keynote Speaker
Social Media Marketing private jet fractional ownership Pilot Training private Jet Sales Private Jets
Rachel C. Boyle
Dean of School · Leeds Beckett University
Rachel C. Boyle is the Head of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.
Critical Race Theory Inequality Education Ethnicity Race