Fei Fang

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Fei Fang's research lies in the field of artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems, focusing on computational game theory.

Multi-Agent Systems Optimization Artificial Intelligence Game Theory Computer Science

Michael C. Slattery

Professor, Department Chair and Director of the Institute for Environmental Studies · Texas Christian University

Mike has worked in diverse landscapes ranging from the Namib Desert in southern Africa to the cloud forests of Costa Rica.

Mercury Contamination from Coal-fired Power Plants Wind Research Rhino Conservation Human Impact to Coastal Plains, Rivers and Sediment Pathways

Hessie Jones


Author, Digital Strategist: Generational insights, Big Data Strategy and Performance, Customer Centricity

Generational Differences Generation Y Generation X Marketing Advertising

Alexandros Tsamis

Assistant Professor, School of Architecture; Graduate Program Director; Associate Director, Center for Architecture, Science, and Ecology (CASE) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Architect focused on composite materials, building energy systems and advanced manufacturing technologies for the built environment.

Manufacturing Technologies for the Built Environment Tectonics Composite Materials Ecology Material and Energy-based Computational Design

Karen Hamberg

Vice President, Strategy · Westport Fuel Systems

Clean-technology and clean transportation executive

Clean Tech Alternative Fuels for Transportation Clean Fuels Policy Decarbonizing the Transportation Sector Heavy-Duty Transportation

Dr. Ilse Treurnicht


This extraordinary CEO and Rhodes Scholar leads an organization dedicated to developing the next generation of Canadian growth companies

Venture Capital Management Advanced Technologies Emerging Technologies Entrepreneurship & Innovation Innovation & Economic Development

Jay Whitacre

Trustees Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Jay Whitacre examines the materials science of synthesizing, characterizing, and implementing promising materials for energy storage.

Hybrid Power Systems Electric Vehicles Power Grids Energy Storage Conversion

Professor Ralph Tench

Director of Research · Leeds Beckett University

Ralph Tench's research focuses on two communications strands, for social impact and in organisational strategy, behaviour and performance.

Corporate Social Responsibility Public Relations Communications Health

Angela Danyluk

Biologist/Sustainability specialist · local government

Ecologist who connects information and people to make change, solve problems and find solutions within the local government sector.

Reducing greenhouse gases Fish Ecology Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation

Jane Kearns

Senior Advisor · MaRS Cleantech

Successful entrepreneur with extensive experience in sustainable innovation

Sustainability Renewable Energy Energy and Resource Efficiency Relationship Management Strategy Development

Serge Thomas, Ph.D.

Expert in the ecology of aquatic environments · Florida Gulf Coast University

Serge Thomas specializes in the consequences of natural and human stresses in aquatic ecosystems.

Ecological Engineering Hydrosystems Technologies to Clean Water Microplastics Algal Blooms

Kashef Majid

Assistant Professor of Business · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Majid is an expert on reputation management and marketing strategy, with an emphasis on food waste.

Food Waste Sustainability Marketing Strategy International Marketing

Dr Olayinka Ajala

Senior Lecturer · Leeds Beckett

Olayinka Ajala’s research interests include rural development, resource conflict, human security, peace and security.

Terrorism Security Governance Ethnicity Politics

Imogen Coe

Dean, Faculty of Science · Ryerson University

Dr Imogen R. Coe is a scientist who is internationally recognized for her advocacy in promoting equity & diversity in science in Canada

Science Education Women in STEM Membrane Protein Cell Biology Membrane Protein Cell Biochemistry Clinical Research

Gina Jarman Hill

Professor & Department Chair · Texas Christian University

Dr. Hill's interests include food security, sustainability, urban agriculture and community nutrition education.

Urban Agriculture Food Waste Hunger Food Security Sustainability

Judi Shade Monk

Instructional Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Judi Shade Monk leverages over two decades of cross-disciplinary architectural practice in her collaborative, policy, and research efforts.

Qualitative Design Material Evaluation Design Communication Design Thinking Color Theory and Relativity

Michel Boufadel

Distinguished Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Michel Boufadel focuses on water, water technology and energy, offering insights into oil spills and other environmental disasters.

Oil Spills Global Warming Sustainability Water Technology Environmental Disasters

Philippa White

Founder and CEO · TIE Leadership

I’m passionate about helping businesses become more human.

Power of Business and Leadership Leadership Leadership Development Purpose Sustainability

Clem Clay

Director of Extension Agriculture Program · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Clem Clay oversees professionals serving the agriculture, forestry, fruit-growing and commercial horticulture industries in Massachusetts.

Agriculture Extension Farming Sustainability Environmental Policy Public Policy

Steve Munton

Director of Sales, Warehouse & Systems Group · Equipment Depot, a Pon Company

Sustainability & Business Development at Equipment Depot, a Pon Company

Energy Sustainability Energy Management & Efficiency Green Technology Utilities / Power Companies