Xiuchun (Cindy) Tian, Ph.D.
Interim Department Head and Professor · University of Connecticut
Professor Tian is an expert in animal biotechnology.
Pluripotent Stem Cells Nuclear Reprogramming by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Genetic Engineering in Farm Animals Assisted Reproductive Technologies Pre-Implantation Embryo Development
Jung Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Jung Lee is an expert in bioinformatics, drug design and molecular modeling.
Molecular Modeling Computational Biology Chemistry Biomolecular Engineering Bioinformatics
Benjamin Hebblethwaite
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Ben Hebblethwaite's research focuses on the languages and cultures of Haiti, Jamaica, France, Germany and the Netherlands.
Creole Linguistics and Historical Linguistics Cannabis in the Caribbean Caribbean Music and Culture Haitian Culture Jamaica
Jennifer Applebaum
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Jennifer Applebaum is an expert on pet ownership and the resulting health and well-being/welfare implications of the human-pet dyad.
Companion Animals One Health Pet Ownership Pets Pet Owners
Scott Niekum
Associate Professor, Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Scott Niekum works to enable personal robots to be deployed in the home and workplace. He is an expert on the social implications of AI.
AI Human-Robot Interaction Robotic Manipulation AI Safety Reinforcement Learning
Catherine Peters
Associate Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Philosophy of Disability Aristotle Metaphysics Thomas Aquinas Medieval Philosophy
Yuichi Motai, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Virginia Commonwealth University.
System Safety Intelligent Systems with Adaptive Tracking Online Classification Methodologies Medical Imaging Pattern Recognition
Omar A. Khan, M.D., MHS, FAAFP
Enterprise Chief Scientific Officer · ChristianaCare
Dr. Omar Khan is the enterprise chief scientific officer and vice president of research administration and scientific affairs.
Global Health Medical Education Public Health Medical Writing Healthcare Leadership
Timothy Verstynen
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Timothy Verstynen's research focuses on how our brains allow us to explore our environments and learn from experience.
Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Science Computational Learning Science
Joshua Grill
Director of the Institute for Memory Impairments and Nerological Disorders at UCI · UC Irvine
Joshua Grill directs a major Alzheimer's disease research institute helps lead the national strategy for AD clinical trial recruitment.
Neuroscience Clinical Trials Alzheimer’s Disease Neurodegenerative disorders Recruitment and Retention
Paul Kramer
Associate Professor of History · Vanderbilt University
Expert in modern U. S. history, with an emphasis on transnational histories, American social thought and the politics of inequality.
Refugees Immigration U.S. History Foreign Policy
Gavin Woodhall
Professor, Aston Pharmacy School · Aston University
Professor Woodhall researches electrophysiological studies on neurones of the entorhinal cortex (EC) and the hippocampus.
Neuronal Network Dynamics Schizophrenia Epilepsy Hippocampus
Kinitra Brooks
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Dr. Brooks specializes in the study of black women, genre fiction, and popular culture.
Short Horror Fiction Genre Fiction Black Women Popular Culture Treatment of Black Women in Science Fiction
Lisa Wallace, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC
Director of Addiction Medicine and Nurse Practitioner · ChristianaCare
Lisa Wallace, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, is a nurse practitioner with ChristianaCare’s inpatient Addiction Medicine Service.
Addiction Medicine
Rodger MacArthur, MD
Professor · Augusta University
A widely recognized expert in COVID-19, HIV antiretroviral therapy, resistance to antiretroviral drugs, and sepsis.
Deep soft tissue infections HIV COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Sepsis Infectious Global Health
Linda Pescatello, Ph.D., FACSM, FAHA
Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology · University of Connecticut
Dr. Pescatello specializes in exercise prescription for health benefit
Blood Pressure Cardiovascular Disease Complementary and Alternative Exercise Exercise Genomics Exercise Prescription
Mary Anne Trasciatti
Professor of Writing Studies and Rhetoric · Hofstra University
Dr. Trasciatti is a Professor of Writing Studies and Rhetoric
Public Memory/Commemoration Public Protest Triangle Shirt Factory Fire Public Space and Public Expression Women's Studies
Xiaobo Tan
MSU Research Foundation Professor and Richard M. Hong Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering · Michigan State University
Expert in robotic fish, mobile sensing in aquatic environments
Soft Robotics Underwater Robotics Underwater Sensing
Ruth Panofsky
Professor of English / Graduate Program in Communication & Culture · Ryerson University
Dr. Panofsky specializes in Canadian women in publishing and Canadian Jewish women writers
English Research Higher Education Literature Media & Culture
Lawrence Kalbers, Ph.D., CPA
R. Chad Dreier Chair in Accounting Ethics · Loyola Marymount University
Academic Director, DBA
Accounting Ethics and the Public Interest Financial Statement Analysis Governance Business Ethics Financial Reporting