Laura Reese
Director and Professor · Michigan State University
Laura Reese is an expert in animal welfare policy, animals in the city, animal sheltering, local economic development
Local Economic Development Animals in the City Animal Welfare Policy Animal Sheltering
Bryan W. Brooks, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor, Environmental Science and Public Health; Director of Environmental Health Science · Baylor University
Interdisciplinary expert researcher and author on water quality, environmental health and sustainability issues in rapidly urbanizing areas.
Contaminants of Emerging Concern Harmful Algal Blooms Urbanization Sustainability Issues Environmental Contaminants
Richard Peltier
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Richard Peltier's research looks at how poor air quality affects human health.
Global Health Air Pollution and Health Environmental Health Face Masks Aerosol filtration
Jade Mitchell
Assistant Professor of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering · Michigan State University
Mitchell is an expert on human health risk analysis when it comes to contamination in the environment through water and soil
Environmental Pathogenic Agents Biosystems Water Contamination