Janice Kiecolt-Glaser

Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Director of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research | College of Medicine · The Ohio State University

Medical expert focused on the impacts of stress on metabolic response.

Psychoneuroimmunology Behavioral immunology Close relationships, inflammation, and health Stress and inflammation in cancer survivors Behavioral influences on metabolism following high-fat meals

Susan Thomas

Associate Professor, Associate Director for Integrated Research Center, Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Susan Thomas is an expert on the role of biological transport phenomena in physiological and pathophysiological processes.

Drug Development and Delivery Cancer Biology Biomaterials Drug Design

Imani Evans

Executive Director · Women Healing Women, Inc.

Executive Director/CEO of Women Healing Women, Inc. - Women's Empowerment Leader

Women Non-Profit Leadership Violence Against Women

Roxanne Mykitiuk

Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School · York University

Roxanne Mykitiuk investigates the legal, ethical and social implications of assisted reproductive and genetic technologies.

Health Law Disability Law Feminist Legal Theory Family Law Genetics and the Law

Kathryn Lennon-Johnson

Managing Director · Tangerine Trees

Tree-hugging, ethical holistic marketing made fun, profitable and effective

Ethical Marketing Behaviour Change Influence Health Marketing Sme Innovative Marketing

Amy Byer Shainman

Palm Beach County Outreach Coordinator · FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered

Knowledge is Power...and it may just save your life or the life of someone you love.

Cancer Risk Education Genetic Testing Angelina Jolie and Brca

Jaime King

Associate Dean and Professor of Law, Bion M. Gregory Chair in Business Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: kingja@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8834 / Office 394-200

Health Law and Policy The U.S. Healthcare System Genetics and the Law Healthcare Antitrust Health Policy & Reform

Jacob Elmer, PhD

Dicciani Endowed Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering | College of Engineering · Villanova University

Jacob Elmer, PhD, is an expert in genetic engineering, GMOs, and gene therapy

CAR-T Cell Therapy CRISPR-Cas9 Hemoglobin Immunotherapy GMOs

Deborah L. Parker

Motivational Speaker, Training Professional, Author, Coach, Army Veteran · The DPJ Training Group

Leadership/Diversity/Career/Inspiration/Action "Never Count Yourself Out" "Be in Charge" "Use Your Gifts and Wits to Succeed"

Leadership Development Motivation and Personal Growth Diversity and Respect Career Success

Khevin Barnes

Corporate Keynote Motivational Speaker · Disney Speaker and Imagination Expert Khevin Barnes

Breast Cancer Speaker : Khevin Barnes

Kate Pickert

Associate Professor of Journalism · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Journalism Media New Media Journalism Ethics

Jie Xu

Chair and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Wireless Communications Theoretical and Applied Electromagnetics Electromagnetic Propagation Antennas

Fredlena Humphrey, M.Psy

Entertainment Manager for SupaDAVE/Public Relations Executive · P31 Bound

Founder F2mSoul/ Ministry Analyst, Social Media & Marketing Director, Public Relations Professional

Christopher A. Lemmon, Ph.D.

Inez A Caudill Professor; Associate Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering | B.S., Lehigh University | M.S., University of Wisconsin | Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University · VCU

Dr. Lemmon's research lies in cell-generated traction forces and extracellular matrix biology

Cell-generated traction forces Extracellular matrix biology Cellular mechanotransduction Mechanobiology of fibrosis Matrix mechanics and signaling in the tumor microenvironment;

Rico Marciano

Fitness Professional, Media Fitness Expert, Author · Rico, Motivational Fitness!

Award Winning Physical Fitness Professional, as seen on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX.

Secret of Success Motivational Fitness Courage

Mairead Sullivan

Associate Professor and Chair of Women's and Gender Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Guy Timberlake

Co-Founder and Chief Visionary Officer · The American Small Business Coalition, LLC

Advisor, on-point speaker, writer and industry expert on finding and winning contracts with U.S. Government agencies and their contractors.

About Federal Contracting Finding Business Opportunities Strategy Development

Polly Letofsky

Motivational Speaker · Elite Speakers

Mapping the Course Through Your Overwhelm: Lessons in resilience from one woman's walk around the world

Resilience Perseverance Attitude Goal Setting Fear