Sandra K. Weller, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics · University of Connecticut

Sandra K. Weller, Ph.D., is an expert in the herpes simplex virus.

Biochemistry Biophysics Molecular Biology Herpes Simplex Virus

Simon Garnier

Assistant Professor, College of Science and Liberal Arts · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Garnier focuses on the study of collective behaviors and swarm intelligence in natural and artificial systems

Biological Sciences Swarm Robotics Interdisciplinary Education Collective Behavior Swarm Intelligence

Eric Yttri

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Eric Yttri's research goal is to establish how neural circuits lead to these action selection decisions.

Motor Coordination Cognitive Brain Function Neural Circuits Neuroscience

Jennifer Gardy

Canada Research Chair in Public Health Genomics | Science Television Host · University of British Columbia | BC Centre for Disease Control | CBC Television

Sequencing DNA to track infectious diseases, and occasionally appearing on your favourite science TV shows

Genomics Bioinformatics Public Health Tuberculosis Science Communication

Owen Jones

Glenn M. Weaver, M.D. and Mary Ellen Weaver Chair in Law, Brain, and Behavior · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the intersection of law and behavioral biology.

Contracts Law and Neuroscience Law and Behavioral Sciences Law and Behavioral Biology Evolutionary Analysis in Law

Matthew Johnson-Roberson

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Johnson-Roberson's research goal is to develop robotic systems capable of operating in complex dynamic environments.

Folding Space Structures Robotic Vision 3D Reconstruction Artifical Intelligence Robotics/Autonomous Vehicles

Judith Giesberg, PhD

Professor of History; Robert M. Birmingham Chair in the Humanities | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Judith Giesberg, PhD, is an expert on the history of women and gender in the U.S. Civil War.

Caroline LeCount Census Slavery U.S. Civil War Women's History

Henny Admoni

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Henny Admoni directs the Human And Robot Partners (HARP) Lab, which develops assistive and collaborative robots and AI.

Cognitive Psychology Robotics Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Healthcare Human Assistance

Rico Marciano

Fitness Professional, Media Fitness Expert, Author · Rico, Motivational Fitness!

Award Winning Physical Fitness Professional, as seen on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX.

Secret of Success Motivational Fitness Courage

Bruce Muzik

Founder · Designer Life

With jaw-dropping honesty, Bruce touches hearts and changes lives. Promoting authenticity, he inspires audiences to love more and be more.

Luca Cottini, PhD

Associate Professor of Italian Studies · Villanova University

Luca Cottini, PhD, is a scholar of 20th-century Italian design and literature and the creator of the YouTube channel "Italian Innovators."

Italian Design Italian Industry & Advertising Entrepreneurship & Innovation Design Thinking Italian Literature

Helen Odell-Miller

Professor of Music Therapy · Anglia Ruskin University

Helen is the lead researcher for HOMESIDE, an RCT trial for home-based music therapy for people with dementia & their family carer.

Personality Disorder Adult Mental Health Music Therapy Dementia Arts Therapies

Dr. Marc Tinsley

The People Repairman · Fitness for the Rest of Us™

Helping Ordinary People Attain Excellence By Increasing Vitality And Building Resilience

Health Productivity Leadership

Curtis Carlson Nelson

Travel & Hospitality Executive · Curtis Carlson Nelson

Curtis Carlson Nelson has 20 years of management experience with a focus on the travel and hospitality industries.

Marketing Management Travel Hospitality

Preston Jordan Lim, JD

Assistant Professor, Law · Villanova University

Professor Lim focuses on contemporary challenges to the international legal system, with an emphasis on Chinese foreign policy.

Uyghur Forced Labor Prosecution of War Crimes Canada's Relationship with International Law Canadian Foreign Policy Canadian Domestic Politics

Bill Torgerson

Assistant Professor · St. John's University

Laughs and Lessons: Whether it's on Growing up in the 80s, Overcoming Divorce, or Learning to Write, Smiles are Guaranteed

Education Writing Digital Media Blogging Creative Writing

Professor Ed Galea

Director of the Fire Safety Engineering Group · University of Greenwich

His research and software tools inform disaster management and crowd safety, and the design of safe buildings, aircraft and ships, globally

Fire and Evacuation Evacuation Computational Fire Engineering Fire Safety Civil Defence

Peter Sham

Professor of Theatre Arts · Southern Utah University

Specializing in Suzuki movement, directing and producing musical theatre, and character development for actors

Stage Direction Voice and Speech Training Directing Musical Theater Voice Over Producing

Rachel A. Volberg

Research Professor of Epidemiology · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Rachel Volberg is one of the world's leading experts on the social and economic aspects of gambling, sports betting and problem gambling.

sports betting Economic Impact of Gambling Gambling Problem Gambling Societal Impacts of Gambling

Nils Vesk

Innovation Architect · Future Thread

Innovation Architecture: Nils Vesk

Innovation Creativity Stress Marketing Ideation