Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt
Professor of Computer Science · Hofstra University
Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt specializes in data mining, machine learning, and computational learning theory.
Algorithms Data Structures Discrete Mathematics Operating Systems Programming
Jeffrey Miller
Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Sciences · Southern Utah University
Dr. Jeffrey Miller serves as the dean of the College of Engineering and Computational Sciences at Southern Utah University.
Computer Programming Ethics in Driverless Cars Vehicular Communications Software Engineering STEM Education and Learning
Bora Karayaka
Professor · Western Carolina University
Bora Karayak leads the efforts to establish electric power engineering as a discipline within the School of Engineering + Technology.
Engineering Education Power Generation Instrumentation Energy Conversion and Electric Machines Power Electronics
Moeness Amin, PhD
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Director of the Center for Advanced Communications | Villanova College of Engineering · Villanova University
Moeness Amin, PhD, is an expert in the theory of signal and array processing with applications to radar, sonar, and communications
Smart Antennas Radar Radar Imaging Sonar Surveillance
James Fienup
Robert E. Hopkins Professor of Optics, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Professor in the Center for Visual Science · University of Rochester
Fienup is a leading expert in the use of phase retrieval algorithms to carefully align mirrors on NASA satellites once they are in orbit.
Optics Webb Telescope Imaging with Sparse and Segmented-Aperture Systems Image Reconstruction Phase Retrieval